Where life takes you...

Where life takes you...

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Ever thought for time to just stop? when everything around is so happy so peaceful you do not want anything else but to just stay there forever.We all have those moments where we don't want anything to change.Sad truth, Change is the only constant!We still hope and wish for the change to be for the better and best. But what about when it is for bad, worse and worst. That is when you either grow out of it all stronger or succumb and lose yourself.Arayna Oberoi'Memories are a baggage, the good ones more than the bad ones because they make you realize everyday that there will be no such beautiful moments again.'Steven Richards'The childhood you have lived, the memories of the past are sacred because they make you realize where you come from, who you are and what you have given to earn what you have today.'As differently they think and their beliefs are about life, their collision is sure to cause chaos.#3rd place- The Glorious Awards 2020: General Fiction category❤#thefourthaward- Creators Choice Awards 2020: ChickLit Category❤Best Female Protagonist- Arayna Oberoi: The Creory Awards 2020❤…