Adopted by team craft ( hybrid)( on hold)

Adopted by team craft ( hybrid)( on hold)

1,162 29 9

So this story is about a girl name nancy and she lives in a adoped center but for kid like her she is to secred to talk to someone and if you touch her she scream and hide but there one reason she like this she hide her real person she is half werewolf and angle she is queen of the dragons and she has more powers but read the book and you we'll see…

Adopted by sky team crafted fanfic/ hybrids ( on hold)

Adopted by sky team crafted fanfic/ hybrids ( on hold)

602 17 16

Okay, firsts thing is this is my first ever story so for this story team crafted house so get ready for this story!!!!!…

Skybop fanfic

Skybop fanfic

2,164 43 5

So Jin is a 19 year old boy but he is differ the is half cat let see if he fall In love with Adam…

welcome the oc's!!!

welcome the oc's!!!

1 0 1

we im going to have my oc join the story so i want all of you to met them first tho >°<…

ask the mystreet cast ( more the aarmau tho)

ask the mystreet cast ( more the aarmau tho)

23 0 1

ask the cast more aarmau tho…

Slave (enderlox fanfic)

Slave (enderlox fanfic)

598 7 3

U we'll see read it Nd I'm in it…