In the clandestine domain of organized crime, Hayley, the sheltered daughter of a respected gangster, has long been shielded from the nefarious underworld for her protection. Yet, her insular world unravels when she crosses paths with a group of college delinquents, including Theodore Davis, heir to a notorious mafia legacy.As Theodore prepares to assume control of his father's criminal empire, his affable facade veils a cunning nature. Surprisingly drawn to the unassuming good girl, Hayley becomes an unexpected focal point in this intricate narrative. In the dance between danger and allure, alliances are tested and motives are executed 2023 Rankings#11th in Nerdgirl (April)#7th in Italian (October)Achievements ✨️🥇1st place in SUNSET MOON AWARDS- Best titleFeatured on Wattpad action (Action-romance) ✨️…