In her late twenties, Lila Hawthorne lives an unremarkable life filled with routine and predictability. However, strange occurrences start disrupting her mundane life. These events are subtle at first, almost imperceptible-a misplaced object, a fleeting shadow, a whisper in the wind. Soon, the boundaries between waking life and dreams blur, and Lila finds herself trapped in a disorienting labyrinth of fantasy and reality.…
In this story, we follow the journey of two sisters, Ava and Valerie, who find themselves transported to a mysterious world after a fateful encounter with the darkness. As they navigate this new realm, they become aware of their role as Keyblade wielders and the responsibility that comes with it.Facing challenges and mysteries, the sisters rely on their determination, courage, and the support of their friends to overcome obstacles. Along the way, they learn to trust themselves and embrace the power that lies within their hearts.The story unfolds with a blend of excitement, humor, and emotional moments as Valerie and Ava navigate the complexities of their new world, forge lasting friendships and relationships, and uncover the truth about their own identities. As they confront their own doubts and fears, they discover the strength and resilience within themselves to face the darkness and protect the light that resides within them.Warning: Main Character is an OC.…
A chance encounter at Café Leblanc sparks an unexpected friendship between Akira, a high school student with a secret life as a Phantom Thief, and Miya, a new student at Shujin Academy. Navigating school life and deepening camaraderie, their bond is tested by Akira's mysterious absences and the revelation of his past. Amidst challenges, their connection grows, revealing the power of understanding and trust.Warning: Main Character is an OC.-Inspired by Character AI…
Even when nightmares and pain are unbearable, remember that nothing is safer than beneath a power's wings.Warning: Nightmares, Hurt, Death, Injury, Feeling of DespairNoel Azulite x MC (Nevaeh Santos)Warning: Main Character is an OC.…