Apple White & Darling Charming Ship FanFiction. (DISCONTINUED)
(A ship is two characters you think that would have a good relationship together).. Apple White, the daughter of Snow White. Always was a Royal and wanting to follow in her footsteps. It was her destiny after all. ... Darling Charming aka The White Knight, daughter of King Charming. She considers herself a Rebel because she doesn't want to follow in her father's footsteps and be a damsel in distress. She wants to make her own destiny. Apple believes in heritage and doing things the old way. Darling believes in choosing your own destiny. ... After falling victim to a poison apple by the Evil Queen. Apple lays their in forever ever sleep. She waits for her prince and true love Daring Charming to wake her, (Darling's brother). But see Destiny is a funny thing, it doesn't work out the way you expect it too. After Daring's kiss failed to wake Apple up, Darling made a choice when Apple began to slip away. After all, she's a Charming. She placed a kiss upon Apple's lips and woke her..........…