The Finest Potato Stories

The Finest Potato Stories

1,112 148 39

Have you ever wondered what potatoes truly think? I know I have. That's why I created this collection of short stories, all from a potatoes point of view. Learn about potatoe's beliefs, hopes and dreams, along with their enemies. These stories will sweep you off your feet. "This magical compilation of stories contains inspiring messages for all ages." -omgkitkats"Funniest thing I've ever read. Who knew potatoes lives are so entertaining?" -book_reader_22…

The Shadow Glare

The Shadow Glare

1,178 77 39

Emberkit is a young she-kit who wonders at the world with curiosity in her eyes. She works hard to become a good warrior and wants nothing more then to be a good cat. Riverkit struggles with the choice of medicine cat or warrior. She doesn't know what's best and what's not. But when she makes her choice, will she regret it?Ashkit is Emberkit's sister, visited by a strange cat and is warned about a difficult destiny, that must be kept secret. But what is the destiny and why must he keep it a secret?Shadowkit is an ambitious young cat who hopes to be leader one day. But what obstacles will she face on her journey to be leader, and will she be able to jump them?What happens to the four young kits on their journey to become the greatest cats of their Clan? Read to find out.…

All Alone

All Alone

570 29 19

When Blaze, a wild she-cat loses her mate to a violent storm, what will happen? She is left alone, and it seems as if everything in the forest is against her. Her world is disrupted many times, and the grief that follows her around doesn't help. In this land will she find a way to not be alone? Will she escape the threats? Or will she vanquish, lost beneath the folds of time forever.…

Raisintail Saves The Day

Raisintail Saves The Day

549 43 18

Raisinkit, a kit with a pelt that's so weird it looks purple is destined to be great. At least, that's what the great prophecy says."A raisin will painfully fall into this world from the moon of clouds and save Thunder from the evil, obviously savage, friendly."And then they died. Nah, just kidding. Theres no fun in that.…



1,085 82 21

Darkness. Loneliness. Where am I? A fiery light approached in the distance, but I couldn't tell what it was, or where it was coming from. The ground or sky? It blazed shudderingly and I blinked in fear. I remembered now. . . . Two more lights appeared as tiny dots on the horizon. There was more? What had I done to deserve this? Suddenly I could hear. Comet was mewling again. Was I really asleep? I felt around with my claws for the tiny kit but could feel nothing. She meowed again and I followed the noise, but she wasn't where the noise had come from. . . . Where was she? The light- no the comet, was racing towards me now- faster than ever before. I could hear it's whizzing noise and I screeched. Then I could feel. I could feel as if crashed into me and pulled me into the ground. It pierced my skin, both rubbing and scratching it. Oh the agony. . . . I was soon blinded by pain. I opened my mouth to screech, but dirt and blood entered my mouth and I was forced to cough. Comet was gone. I had failed my mission. How could it go so wrong? How was that even possible? It wasn't supposed to come tonight- it wasn't. Help, my mind pleaded. Help me . . . Help . . .(Cover done by Lamb777)…

Larrykit's Failure

Larrykit's Failure

33 0 6

Book 2 of the Dumb Warrior Fanfic's(Raisintail Saves The Day is first) Ever since Raisinstar has become leader of ThunderClan, everything is good. The prey has been running well, there's been warm weather, and of course, Raisinstar is there. Her one and only son, Larrykit is thriving along with her nine daughters. Penciltail is a wonderful father . . . But will Larrykit live up to his parents' expectations? Or will he fall beneath hope and be crushed by failure?Probably the latter.…

Don't Be Afraid- it'll be fine

Don't Be Afraid- it'll be fine

183 8 26

"Don't be afraid- it'll be fine."Those were the last words Cynder's mother told her before she was snatched away by an unnamed dragon. She is left alone at a cave in the middle of the night, until the headmaster of an orphanage finds her. He takes her to the orphanage where there is ten other dragonets who had also been found without parent that night. Cynder is raised alongside them, becoming friends with all of them. After five years, Kinhal decides that he cannot care for them anymore. But for what reason? He ships them off to a large city, leaves them behind and goes back to his old life. There are mysteries scattered everywhere, and when Cynder finds a cave filled with paintings, it's the last straw. The sketches on the wall aren't just anything. They mean something. Will they lead to a mysterious killer? Or even better, a chance to find their parents and lead a better life? Cynder doesn't know if the lost parents are alive or not, but either way she's going to find the enemy. And she's going to get revenge.…

97th Walnut Street

97th Walnut Street

42 1 5

Demi Choice is a lonely girl. In her last year of high school, she looks out on her favourite place. It's the only place she has ever been alone. Now don't think this is like the other stories. Demi's family is loving, and she has the best big brother a girl could wish for. No, it's not her drunken father or mother who abandoned her. It's the bullies. They clash into her day after day, spiteful comments peeling from their lips. Demi isn't driven to a point where she wants to die. She's just . . . a bit lonely, which apparently has the side affect of high anxiety, insufferable anger, and shyness. She just wants a chance to live without those idiots wasting her time.…