Where Jocelyn Lexington writes a song about Charles after things didn't work out for them."I still love you, I promiseNothin' happened in the way I wantedEvery corner of this house is hauntedAnd I know you said that we're not talkin'But I miss you, I'm sorry"Cover made by @fkwaynee from Editorial Silver…
Liana Martin, yes, Lydia Martin's sister. Compared to her sister, she is not popular and she doesn't date the captain of the lacrosse team.According to people, Lia is sarcastic, moody and brutally honest which to her best friends Scott and Stiles are her best qualities, sometimes.How are Lydia and Lia the same age?Twins with reddish hair. Anyone could imagine that they are sisters when they see them but not that they are "identical" twins, since they are very similar but you can easily differentiate them.But that's a story for another situation.Now we will focus on the madness and hell that is the town of Beacon Hills.…
It's their last year in high school and they all make plans for the future.This makes them remember the loved ones they lost along the way. The one's that died in battle, the ones that sacrificed their lives for them and the one's who left to survive.A new threat arrives to Beacon Hills. The devil in person. But it's not a little man with red horns, it's a teenage boy disguising himself as an angel. Remember, the devil was an angel once too.…
In this new season. The pack is looking for Erica and Boyd.A pack of Alphas arrive to Beacon Hills and they bring nothing but trouble.Human sacrifices?…
Después de la muerte de Kate y la derrota de Peter,Derek es el alfa ahora y recluta nuevos aliados o tal vez enemigos.Lia comienza a experimentar más y a descubrir sus poderes pero aún no está segura de lo que es.Hay una criatura extraña, el Kanima.¿Quién es el Kanima?Más importante.¿Quién controla al Kanima?…
In this second half of season 3. Scott, Allison and Stiles have sequels because of the sacrifice they did to find the Nemeton.A new student arrives to Beacon Hills and brings lots of mysteries with her.Lia begins to investigate more about the phoenix.Were-coyotes, Kitsunes, Werewolves and... Stiles?…
After Kate's death and Peter's defeat,Derek is the alpha now and recruits new allies or maybe enemies.Lia begins to experiment more with her new powers.There is a strange creature, the Kanima.Who is the Kanima?More important.Who controls the Kanima?…
In this first half of the last season of Teen Wolf everything has been unusually calm.Suddenly, the Wild Hunt comes in bringing all type of problems to the pack.What's happening in Beacon Hills? Where's everyone? Who's Stiles?…
En esta primera parte de la última temporada todo a estado inusualmente tranquilo.Cuando de la nada aparece la cacería salvaje. ¿Qué está pasando? ¿Las personas están desapareciendo? ¿Quién es Stiles?…
After the unfortunate events Lia went through she's weakened and powerless. The pack has fallen apart.Theo brought back all the Chimeras.A success after so many failures?…
Después del incidente Lia se encuentra debilitada. La manada está más separada que nunca.Theo trajo de vuelta a todas las Chimeras. ¿Un éxito después de tantos fracasos?…