In the Eyes of the Beholder - Legolas / LOTR Fanfiction Reviews (mostly)
'In the Eyes of the Beholder' is a collection reviews that express what I behold from stories in my eyes, expressing my understanding, interpretation & viewpoints of each story, whether positive or negative. The reviews are for stories on Wattpad that I have read - mostly Legolas-Lord of the Rings fanfiction, but occasionally other genres as well. I also include the authors' responses to my reviews, if any, as it expresses their viewpoint too. The scope of this particular collection of reviews covers stories that can be encompassed in a single review - mainly short stories & one shots thus far; although as I read more, some lengthier stories that I feel can also be encompassed in a single review are likely to be covered here too. I am concurrently reviewing an epic Legolas-Lord of the Rings fanfiction work called 'The Silvan', you can find my reviews for this in my other work entitled 'Inside The Silvan'.…