Welcome to my short events story that collab with every other multiverse and even space and reality just imagine is like some sort of TV show…
Welcome to my short events story that collab with every other multiverse and even space and reality just imagine is like some sort of TV show…
A futuristic unity nation of Indochina find themselves an apocalypse threat from what is left of series conflict they have 1 way to save their young federal country is transport to new verse new world through dimension portal but the danger is waiting for them will they find peace or war?…
Japan is famously know as the land of rising sun as it hidden unforseen force protected and serve Japan from shadow to daylight from future threat, you been send to Japan as transfer-student but a secret Vietnamese spy to help Japan against People's Republic of China spies and it influences, made peace with Russia - S. Korea & open a clean path in order to transport western weapon from pacific to Vietnam safe....but you found yourself a dumbfounded twisted complicated affair…