In the world of Valterra, where ancient forces of light and darkness clash, the Primordials awaken. Marcus, a seasoned warrior, embarks on a perilous quest to unite a group of extraordinary beings known as the Primordials to face the Dark and its minions. Together, they must unravel secrets, forge unlikely alliances, and harness their unique powers to protect their realm from impending doom. As their journey unfolds, they discover that their destinies are intertwined with the delicate balance of Valterra itself. Faced with dark prophecies, ancient rivalries, and the ever-looming presence of the Dark, the Primordials must confront their own inner demons and rise above their limitations to become the saviors they were meant to be. Will they overcome the shadows that threaten to consume their world and bring about a new era of Light, or will the forces of the Dark prevail?…