

6 0 1

You've probably heard it a thousand times before-go back to college, do what you love for a living, etc as if it's that easy. But what's actually stopping you? If you're trapped in the 9-5 grind or not getting paid enough for the mind numbing work you do take control! Do something you care about, enjoy. Life's too short :)…

Ignorant Bliss

Ignorant Bliss

12 1 1

Ask anyone that knows me well and they'll say I'm gullible- I see the best in everyone, which can be a good thing but also a naive thing. Luckily I've never been truly hurt or grief stricken in my life yet , leading my boyfriend to dub me the 'sunshine kid' saying this explains my positive lack of skepticism and cynicism about life. But at the time of writing this poem I was hearing from friends, family on the news etc that the world isn't all unicorns and rainbows- this poem is about that realization.…



6 0 1

I know they get paid to clean up but being a caretaker or cleaner isn't the most glamorous of jobs and they deserve respect and thanks for the hard 'unskilled' work they do. I remember being at school and kids leaving a mess on purpose claiming they didn't have a responsibility to clean it up 'cos the cleaners will do it, they get paid to', totally taking them for granted. I also have a neighbour who's lovely and works hard as a cleaner. It was little things like that that inspired this one.…



21 3 1

I took piano lessons for 7 years and just didn't have the 'knack' for it, other's, like my boyfriend who's a drummer and studies Audio Engineering, literally live and breathe music, understand it, speak it, it runs naturally through their veins. But music somehow in it's mysterious way ignites us all to do something, whether it's to hum, whistle, sing or dance...(even if it's in our bedrooms or in the shower when no one's watching) and I find this enigmatic power it has fascinating. So here's one of my earliest poems I wrote about that.…

Cor Blimey!

Cor Blimey!

4 0 1

Because the last few poems I've uploaded have been a bit deep- here's a silly one I wrote a few years ago about that confusing and exciting time everyone goes through when they get their first 'crush'...enjoy ;)…

Oh My God!

Oh My God!

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Just for a laugh because we've all been there :)…

Red Lights

Red Lights

31 0 1

Last year my sister and I went to Amsterdam, and just to say we'd been we walked down the Red Light District. I was strangely fascinated by these women who are prostitutes because their lives are poles apart from mine. I'm not against prostitution, providing the women are well treated, chose to do it on their own free will and no drugs are involved. I am against women not being treated with respect. My trip to Amsterdam inspired this poem :)…

First Impressions

First Impressions

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I get quite nervous meeting new people for the first time-and that's because first impressions count. For a lot. I heard one of those probably-made-up-but-also-possibly-true statistics that a person forms their first judgement about someone after only 7 seconds! Worrying about first impressions also made my recent string of job interviews quite nerve-wrecking- and the more you worry the chances are the worse the impression you make will be- one of those pesky catch 22's. So although we should go past a person's surface and their looks to judge them- this one's guessed it-First Impressions.…

The New News

The New News

11 0 1

Studying journalism at uni we were always encouraged to watch and read the news everyday but I found this very hard, a lot of it was so depressing-such as the tragic #prayforparis attacks- although you wanted to be aware of what was going on in the world you also wanted to shut it all out and be oblivious. So I wrote this with the mentality of just as we have the freedom of speech to promote our opinions and make people aware of the awful things happening in the world- we also have the chance to report the amazing, uplifting and inspiring things that happen everyday too.…

What Kind of World

What Kind of World

28 3 1

After waking up to seeing that a variety of horrible terrorist attacks in Paris happened last night I thought I'd post this one I wrote after being so horrified about hearing of the beheading of aid workers last year by ISIS and the Charlie Hebdo attack in France in January. My thoughts are with the families who have tragically lost relatives to terrorist attacks. #prayforparis…

The Famous Mouse

The Famous Mouse

4 0 1

Some people are plain and unassuming, others have so much to say but for whatever reason are shy, blend in, invisible. Sometimes we need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones or be thrust into the limelight to come out of our shells and flourish...and if you suddenly find yourself popular, famous or the center of attention you might as well enjoy it a little ;)…

Live Life on the Edge

Live Life on the Edge

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Sometimes life is short or full of things we can't control like illness, job redundancies, death, crime, war etc so why are we all guilty of sitting back and letting great opportunities to live life to the full pass us by? So go on, live life on the edge- do something that scares you.…

Island Escape

Island Escape

11 0 1

Just a little rhyme I wrote while on a relaxing on an 'Island Escape' cruise with my family in June this year, where we stopped at Ibiza, Morocco, Gibraltar, Cadiz and Algeria.…

Fear's Control

Fear's Control

2 0 1

There's so much we don't achieve or experience because of fear. It comes in all sorts of forms, sixes and strengths and there's no shame in it at all. But what most of us learn the hard way is that fear doesn't hold us back, we hold ourselves back. In the end we've got to ask ourselves 'What am we really scared of?' and change our approaches to fear.…

Seed of Doubt

Seed of Doubt

4 1 1

Not that I'm dismissing gut instinct but sometimes it's best to give those closest to us the benefit of the doubt- after all if we're constantly suspicious of them they will soon suffer the seed of doubt about us. Might be a bit naive of me, but unless we're absolutely sure, we should have a bit of faith in our loved ones- you need more than love to make any relationship work.…

Turn A Blind Eye

Turn A Blind Eye

8 1 1

I know no-one likes to put a downer on their day, but after seeing so much world-wide suffering in the news I realized, that although raising a bit of money or awareness for charity wouldn't make that much difference, just how ignorant and oblivious we choose to be about the suffering of others across the globe. So despite mere thoughts not helping those in war-torn countries much either, I wrote this to show the importance f just sparing them a thought every now and then while we enjoy our relatively safe and prosperous Western society-only then can we realize how lucky we are.…

Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

13 0 1

We may not all be diagnosed with depression but we all suffer those 'feeling blue' moments. Sometimes they can last a while. Some people find working through it alone helps, others like finding a creative outlet or talking it over with friends, for me writing this helped.…



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Just a reassuring rhyme to let you know it's OK if you don't get it right all of the time.…

Some Role Model

Some Role Model

29 1 1

Sometimes you have to question why you look up to someone, and are they as perfect as they make out?…



8 0 1

This is a really early one I wrote about a lot of things- acceptance, insecurity, being different having somewhere, or a group of friends to give you that sense of belonging. It's partly inspired by a trend I inadvertently picked up of having close friends that were often louder or more confident on the outside than I was. It wasn't because I was hiding behind their outgoing confidence- I realized there were more ways of being heard than just being loud. It was a case of opposites attract, but only if we accept each others differences. So cheesy intro aside, enjoy!…