Der Olymp: sündige Götter

Der Olymp: sündige Götter

370 22 6

DIESE GESCHICHTE BEHÄLT KEINEN ANSPRUCH AUF VOLLSTÄNDIGE EINSTIMMIGKEIT MIT DER ECHTEN MYTHOLOGIE! Einige Sachen habe ich übernommen, andere komplett ausgedacht.(Enthält sexuelle Anspielung und Konsum von Alkohol, lesen auf eigene Verantwortung. Nicht empfohlen für unter 15 Jahre alt.)Mehrmals hat Zeus Heras Vertrauen betrogen, indem er mit anderen Frauen geschlafen hatte. Es war ein Verlangen, das er nicht kontrollieren könnte oder überhaupt wollte. Dies hat sie zu einer verbitterten Frau gemacht, die nach Rache dürstet. Der letzte Tropfen war die Geburt von Apollo und Artemis, die sie mit unglaublichem Hass erfüllte. Dieses Gefühl hat sich ebenso zu den Früchten dieser Beziehung erstreckt, ihr ganzes Leben lang hasste sie die Zwillinge von Leto und Zeus, und plante einen Weg, sich an ihn und die Zwillinge gleichzeitig zu rächen. Ihre rachsüchtige Lösung hat am Ende nicht nur Auswirkungen auf sie selbst und ihre Ehe, sondern auf den gesamten Olymp.…

The White Collar Act

The White Collar Act

147 21 10

It was late at night when Julian Schmidt was still in his office, immersed in a pile of files piling up on his desk. The dim light from the lamp cast shadows on the walls, while he was concentrated on his research into the case of the so-called Mountain Climbers.They were a criminal organization rooted in the global financial market, and were known for their insidious tactics and their deep connections within various companies around the world. Outside this organization, high-ranking employees in reputable companies were persuaded to work as inside traders, manipulating insider information to make undue profits.Emma was Julian's relentless secretary and their relationship has always been exceptional. He couldn't see a life in which they didn't work together, as she not only mastered all his quirks and preferences, but also had an extraordinary ability to anticipate his needs before he even mentioned them. Emma admired his work ethic, his intelligence, and his leadership ability. However, on her part there was also a certain physical attraction to Julian, that she for various reasons had never let it show. One, it would be unprofessional, two, they had a 15-year age difference, Emma had just turned 30. And three, among others, Julian had a beautiful family of two children and a wife. He was a very faithful man and couldn't even dream about ever betraying his wife, and Emma cared too much about her job to let something happen so easily. But the tension was there, the whole time.…

Cabeça de vento

Cabeça de vento

4 2 1

Às vezes escrevo coisas do coração para fora, pequenos textos e etc, que nunca postei aqui e decidi agora postar. São apenas pensamentos cotidianos. Espero que agrade a vocês. 😊Todos os direitos reservados a minha autoria.All rights reserved.…