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Having nothing to do in his mansion, Felix walked down the stairs and opened the door-WAIT WHAT IT WONT OPEN. You might be thinking to yourself right now "This guy can't even open the door to his own house? He must be a total loser." You'd be surprised about how right you are. He has never spoken to a single girl in his entire life, and no, that is not an exaggeration. In fact, the only human interaction he has ever received was from his dad, and he died when Felix was 10. To make things worse, the only English he learned was formal. So even if he met someone, he couldn't hold a conversation that wasn't business related. His first ten years were filled with intense homeschooling, and relentless instructions on "how to be independent." On top of this seemingly brutal parenting, the only thing his father left for him was a mountain of books and work for him to complete. Since slaving away at endless worksheets and books were the only thing he knew, he managed to complete all of the required material in just under six and a half years. As a result of that, he was starved for entertainment, and WOAH, look at that, back to the beginning.…