The Guardian Of The Abyss

The Guardian Of The Abyss

6,945 370 3

(I only own my OCs and this story, everything else belongs to their respectful owners.)The Abyss. A place of eternal darkness and could be a gateway into the VOID. Where if you stare into it, it stares back at you. Trapping you, the hunger of the Abyss echoing out. Wanting to overtake everything in it's path, wanting to devour all that is in it's way. All that is in it's Multiverse.Fate could not let that happen. Making their Multiverse, they found that the Abyss could destroy everything before they could even start to create their own child. So, therefore, they must find someone to hold back the Abyss. To be the lock on the chains to prevent the starving Abyss from escaping from it's vault.Fate went to another Multiverse, one advanced and filled with wars of all kinds. Monsters and humans alike fought. AU's fighting against one another, some coming together. Wanting someone strong, Fate searched for the right one to be their Guardian and new God for their new Multiverse.Then, Fate found who they were looking for.Fatal Hope was a leader in war. A strong Monster that could destroy whole armies that stood in his/her path. Fate watched as he/she took over countries and lands, fighting and protecting all that was needed. Perfection. They have found the one needed.Fatal Hope never expected it. Chains, dark black chains had shot all around him/her. Dragging him/her down. The whole Multiverse crumbled as he/she fought to escape the chains. Death surrounding him/her.The next time he/she woke up, it was in a place of darkness, chains all over and new scars. Fate has deemed him/her to be the new Guardian of The Abyss and the first God of the new Multiverse. Stuck as he/she was, there was nothing he/she could do. Then, one day, he/she heard a scream of help calling out.Going to answer the call as best as he/she can, Fatal Hope found what would be the start of everything.…

*OLD VERSION* Healing What Has Been Broken

*OLD VERSION* Healing What Has Been Broken

287,833 9,346 24

(Picture and characters do not belong to me, they belong to their respectful owners.)Error is the destroyer, Ink is the creator. Both Gods in their own right.They are the balance in their part of the Multiverse, making sure that neither goes to far and makes their Multiverse fall apart at the seams.If Error was able to destroy all the AU's, then there would be nothing left. The universe that they live in would just cease to exist with nothing to fill it up. That is why Ink is needed, to make sure that there is something to fill in those blank spaces, to make sure that there is life.If Ink was able to continue to create with no one to stop him or oppose him, then the AU's would collide and destroy one another. The universe would crumble and decay as they touch, as there is no more room to grow in. That is why Error is needed, to make sure that the AU's don't collide and kill one another, to make sure that there is room to grow in.Error knew this well, even with his spotty and vague memories.Ink did not.Error was broken and tired. He had nothing to live for in the end. He had no friends, no love to call his own, no family. No one wanted him around. He called for help, for anyone to save him from his own madness.But no one came.They left him in the Anti-Void, for the screams to over take him.So Error let go. He fell into the void to be scattered across time and space. No one would miss him.But he did not scatter, he traveled through time and space.Error landed in a new Multiverse. One where there was no Error.All AU's lived in balance in this universe. There was no creator who could not control himself and just create more and more. There was no destroyer who had to destroy.By the time Error's universe knew what they did wrong and the truth of the matter, their universe was falling apart and they had to get back Error to do his job. But they hit a big roadblock when they finally found Error. This universe would not let Error go without a fight.…

Red Daffodils

Red Daffodils

1,073 67 4

(I do not own Xiaolin Showdown or any cartoons in this, they belong to their respectful owners. I only own this story, OCs and cover.)Jack Spicer died.It had happened at a Showdown, for the Xin de kaishi. A Shen Gong Wu that looked almost exactly like a daffodil. The Wu had been hidden in a flower field, surrounded by so many real daffodils. It started out fine, normal. Then, things got ugly. Jack had given up not too long ago, but went with everything out of habit. The partial albino was done with the war, and all the abuse that came with it. Too bad he decided this way too late.Jack Spicer died in the war for the Wu, not even twenty-one yet.He died. A bloody and painful one at that.So, why was he waking back up?Jack died, but because of the Wu, he had been sent back to the start. The Wu had somehow sent him back into the past.But the thing was; Jack didn't want to be alive. He would have rather death then waking back up. His life was a mess before; he was essentially abused by everyone, had no friends to call his own, he failed too much to be of use to anyone, and he would bet all his money that no one cried at his funeral - if there even was one for him. Wouldn't shock him if his parents decided to just throw him in a ditch.So why was it that he had been sent back? Why does it seem like no matter what, he can't escape the world of magic?Jack Spicer died, and would rather have stayed dead.Maybe....Maybe if he doesn't try this time, everything would work out better?It might even kill him faster then it did the first time when he stopped trying if he is lucky enough.Too bad for Jack, he never thought that the smallest of changes could make the hugest of differences. Who says that the Wu are the only magical items that are fought over or are important?Who says there is only one war?…

I Will Never Leave You

I Will Never Leave You

27,601 1,190 7

( This wouldn't leave me alone! I'm such trash~ ;^;) (Swap!ErrorxFell!Fresh) (RebootxUnfresh)Reboot (Swap!Error) couldn't take Eraser's (Swap!Ink) harsh words or actions anymore! He thought they could have been friends! All the fighting and abuse was starting to get to him....While Reboot fought to save the Au's, he never really met anyone or walked around in them. Never having friends, only knowing Eraser. He just wanted to have someone with him! When he got what he wished, it started something that could lead to war and shattered souls.(pictures, characters, ect. are not mine. Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.)(Such trash....;.;)…

Secret Garden

Secret Garden

402 37 2

(I do not own any of the cartoons, Undertale or Flowerfell. They belong to their respectful owners. I only own this story, cover and OCs.)It ran in the family.The beautiful flowers that bloomed on their bodies was something that ran in the family much like brown hair did. While they might be different colors and types of flowers, they all had one thing in common no matter what kind of flower they were.They were poisonous.The enchanting flowers were toxic to the person, slowly killing them off as more and more flowers grew and bloomed. Over taking the body and killing off the owner of said body.If nothing else, Hope could find the irony in her name when the flowers started to come alive on her body.What the Honey's called the 'Flower Curse' was something that they always had. Stories passed down from over hundreds of years ago told of the curse their family had to live with. It didn't come to everyone, and no one knew why they grew or why they grew on who they did. In fact, it had skipped a few generations, making it a shock when they started once more on Hope.Only on Hope. No one else in the family had it - not that Hope wished this on anyone.There is no know cure, none had been able to find it. And while it wasn't contagious, it was tradition to isolate oneself to make it easier on everyone. But Hope couldn't just say nothing to her best friend.Too bad for Hope's ancestors, they never had a friend like Nicole Nemesis.Nicole would do anything for her family, especially for her sister in all but blood Hope. Watching Hope slowly die was slowly killing her too, to the point where she was willing to get on hand and knee and beg someone, anyone, to help them.Then Nicole got a idea after watching the news - one that might not even work, but she was running out of options and time.Who better to ask about curses then someone who has so many placed on his own head?Later that same day, The McDuck Mansion got a phone call that would change everything.…

String Stitches

String Stitches

27,795 1,034 6

(I do not own the cover, Undertale, and characters. They belong to their respectful owners. I only own my OCs and this story. Shears is owned by JusneTheGlassesBearer, who was sweet enough to let me use Shears in my own story with my version of Error. They also made me this awesome cover for this book! So, Thanks again~!)Error felt drained, so tired and alone. His broken SOUL and scar ridden bones can only take so much. But he had to go on, forced to live with no meaning but Balance for however long it was needed. Then, one day after destroying star knows how many AU's and a painful fight with Ink, a bloodied and battered Error stumbled not into the Anti-VOID like he planned for, but instead landed in a small isolated AU - one that Error never knew about and looked like the Anti-VOID. No, seriously, the only reason he knew it wasn't was because it has a Code to it. He figured Ink must have hit his head too many times this time, because all he can feel is confusion right now. Meeting the Sans of this AU doesn't help either. How did he never know about this AU? Did Ink hide it from him? Why was there only one Monster here? Was Shears like him? There were so many questions and no answers at all.Both Monsters are broken in their own way, but maybe between the two of them, they can stitch themselves back together to form something new. Error has finally found his meaning to live, and it wasn't destruction.The only issue was that so many others hated what they could form together. Their love to them was unnatural and wrong. Therefore it must be torn apart for the greater good. Destruction should not love, only LOVE. For it if Destruction loves, then how can Destruction be a unfeeling force of destruction? Where would their scapegoat be if that happens?Fate wants to tear them apart.Destiny wants to keep them together.Time is the only one who can only tell how this will all end.…

Blue Strings Of Mercy

Blue Strings Of Mercy

26,021 1,352 3

(I do not own this picture or any of the characters, Undertale and any AU's in this. I only own this story.)The Original Error was angry, destroyed everything he could and became known as the Destroyer once he was dragged into the Anti-VOID. He was driven mad by the screams that only he could hear as he lost all his memories.This Error is apathetic, he gave zero shits and no fucks.Even after he was dragged in, memories foggy and spotty, and even as the Voices screamed at him, Error did not care. He was fine alone, he felt nothing as he laid in the white. He knew he had the power to leave, but he just used the portals to watch the other AU's, never leaving the white. He could watch them, but they couldn't see him. He watched as the Monsters found out they could travel to other AU's, watched as Nightmare's group fought Ink's.Then one day, he accidentally made his string go out into the portal and help a Monster on the other side. After that, Error decided to continue to help out or play with the other Monsters, sometimes the white was boring and this made things more interesting.Soon the Monsters came to love the Blue Strings that randomly showed up to help or even play little tricks. Soon the theory, the belief, that it was a God came to fruit. Unknown to Error, Monsters came to low-key worship him.One day Error had reacted without thinking when he knew his string could not save or help, making them see the one who controlled the strings.Now Nightmare and Ink fight and try to make Error join a side, Error somehow gained a devoted cult following, people are thinking Error is a God, and too many Monsters are after Error's love.And in all of this madness, Error just wants to be left alone in his little spot in the Anti-VOID.…

Where My Roots Lead

Where My Roots Lead

539 24 2

(I do not own Darkwing Duck, this picture, or any cartoons, they belong to their respectful owners. I only own this story and my OC's.)When one thinks of reincarnation, they think of being reborn into their favorite anime or book. She did not get that. Oh, no, she was reborn into a world that made absolutely no sense!Reginald Bushroot was a genius no doubt, but he snapped. He turned to villainy once the last thread he was holding onto broke, making him fall into insanity. He mutated himself, turning himself into a duck/plant hybrid.She was reborn into his place, so does that mean she has to follow the script? She was reborn as Regina Camellia Bushroot, and she had no clue on what to do.In a world were one can be smashed by an anvil and walk away without a scratch, where one can be hit by a mallet or fall from great lengths and live to tell about it, Regina was so confused. The science of this world is different, never mind the fact she did not want to become a villain.But Fate and Destiny are not easily fought, and when is all said and done, Regina wonders if she should have just ran away to live in another country.In the end, all she can do is see where her decisions and actions will lead her.Where will her roots lead her?…



102,341 4,043 12

(I do not own Undertale or the picture, they belong to their respectful owners.)In this AU, Error never left the Anti-Void. Error never remembered his past or anything before living in the Anti-Void. Only knowing he was a error, what The Voices told him, and how to talk and sleep. He never met Ink, never had the need to destroy worlds. All Error had was the Voices. Nothing but screams of how worthless he was and whispering of how he should give up. In this AU, Error never became the Destroyer of Worlds. All he wanted was to stop feeling so lonely, to understand and belong. Error wanted to leave the Anti-Void.But Balance is needed. Error never became the Destroyer, so someone else would have to.In this AU, Fresh is more vicious, more violent. He can feel anger, hatred, and jealousy. Fresh became jealous of all the other Monster's being able to feel happiness, being able to feel love. To be loved. He wanted feel that, but couldn't no matter how he tried. In this AU, Fresh became the Corrupter of Worlds. Spreading his fresh virus across the Multiverse, possessing whoever he wanted, and turning worlds into a fresh paradise. All he wanted was to feel happiness and love, to love and be loved in return. To stop feeling so empty.In one world, their romance would have many hardships, but still stay nothing but sweet.In this AU, their romance becomes twisted, unhealthy, and dependent.In this AU, the Multiverse will tremble before them.…

You're Not Alone

You're Not Alone

136,102 4,530 16

ErrorFresh (yes, I know I'm trash. Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors. Picture is not mine.)Error was tired, and so lonely. The voices could only do so much in till he got angry. And he didn't even want to think of Ink. But when he went to destroy another filthy AU, something already got to it first. And now it wont leave him alone! This may make somebody very jealous~THIS IS THE OLD VERSION, NOT GOING TO BE UPDATING THIS ONE ANY MORE. REWRITE IS UP - My Chaotic Destruction…