Smile and put on a happy face
Arthur Fleck is a lonely clown who lives his life between punches and failure. Maybe there is only one thing that can change his tragic destiny.…
Arthur Fleck is a lonely clown who lives his life between punches and failure. Maybe there is only one thing that can change his tragic destiny.…
Tras haber sido recluido en Arkham, Arthur Fleck se reencuentra con su pasado y al mismo tiempo se enfrenta con un futuro incierto, donde parece haber solo una pequeña luz de esperanza al final del túnel.…
After having been locked up in Arkham, Arthur Fleck reencounters his past and at the same is faced with an uncertain future where there seems to be only a small light of hope at the end of the tunnel.…
Arthur Fleck es un solitario payaso que vive su vida entre golpes y fracasos. Quizás una sola cosa podría cambiar destino.…