me and the boys last day together
school has ended…
school has ended…
just something I made at school that is not done…
Trico had remained in the valley but there is no peace for the beast as they have a new friend who was taken and released moments before the master of the valley was destroyed.…
just my hair cuz quarantine made it so I can't get my haircut…
kill it with fire…
A small shy lad who's half alien (saiyan) and half human who's falling for a certain bunny beauty let's see this unfold…
sooo here we go again…
hey I found out how to post pics on wattpad thanks the no one who told me fuck tutorials…
It's just my dog my cat and my mum's bearded dragons…
as the tital said I decided I'll make this cuz I love the series of games character development basicly every thing down to the everything it will all be pg cuz reasons well apart from the swares also might not follow in the way that you think cuz I've played two of the games the first being tools of destruction the second being the quest for booty…
sorry but that pic be fabulous…
It's my yu-gi-oh deck…
this will be the ID for my team mates…
just some child friendly anime one shots…
her name is panic at the libery1…
this will tell you why I haven't uploaded yet or why I can't upload…