Simplicity is my intention in this serious, succinct acrostic poem dedicated to a sincere friend.…
Simplicity is my intention in this serious, succinct acrostic poem dedicated to a sincere friend.…
Animals are one of my favorite subjects for tempoems, a form created by my poet friend,Bill Temple, a long time member of this Wattpad writing community. Thank you, Bill.…
This little acrostic poem briefly describes the character of Vladimir Putin, President(Czar) of Russia, who has caused so many deaths, suffering, destruction of propertyand upheaval of lives of the innocent Ukrainian people as a result of his determina-tion and ruthlessness to occupy their land. Unprovoked, he suddenly declared war on their country without any compassion for the ill effects that the people had already suffered during the previous two years of the Covid pandemic. How could an individual be so cruel, so heartless to a defenseless race of people?…
Since it will be Valentine's Day tomorrow, I've decided to revise this special tribute to my husband to recognize our 49 years of marriage. ~ gail February 13. 2016In memory of my dear husband whom I miss dearly i am revising and reposting this special tribute to him today. ~ gail February 15, 2017…
An ode to the beautiful island continent of Australia, my birth country…
A prayer for peace…
An optimistic nonet/prayer.…
This cozy, couplet poem is written for my good friend, Jacqueline. I hope that you will enjoy the subtle humor of this, my first Christmas poem for 2023.…
The inspiration for this tempoem came as a result of the black bear invasion that has been a real problem in our City of Prince George, B.C.. Canada this past summer and fall.…
This acrostic poem is about a lovely, talented lady that anyone would be proud to have as a friend.…
This acrostic poem is a satire about retirement and the follies of retirees.…
Today Wattpad wished me a Happy Birthday and invited me to write a birthday poem to share. I obliged. It was not easy this year as you will see. It is autobiographical and I'm expressing my true feelings.…
This closed tercet poem is based on truth. It isan eye opener into the daily lives of a modernday family.…
A spring Haiku/Senryu poem about a colorful, perching bird, probably a finch.…
A true lamentation…
A heartfelt, therapeutic and topical poem about freedom…
Big brown steamers are a worldwide problem. Watch out if you're wearing sandals.…
This short (chain) limerick which consists of only two stanzas is intended to show the contrast of the kindness and warm hearts of certain individuals in our world who genuinely love and respect nature as opposed to the cruel, cold-hearted criminals who are intent on destroying the innocent. My newest poet friend's goodness and generosity shine like light reflected from a crystal.…