Random Inspiration!

Random Inspiration!

27 8 5

Random things that inspire me and I think will inspire many others as well. Hope you all enjoy!…



204 21 5

Random RP…



86 9 9


Quote of the Day!

Quote of the Day!

185 43 48

Just reading the quote of the day should inspire anyone to do something great.…

Random Quotes!

Random Quotes!

66 11 17

I always have ways to tell many people that I care for them as in friendship or love. I will be dedicating each chapter to anyone in my life that makes me feel that way.…

QUOTES! AKA My life!

QUOTES! AKA My life!

58 11 10

Want to be inspired?I was inspired to do this by my mood and some good friends of mine.@crazy-obsessed @Etho420 @EmberShy @BLACKtoSILVER_Queen…

Daily Chatting With BFF

Daily Chatting With BFF

18 3 2

Dedicated to @crazy-obsessedRy is @crazy-obsessedAnd Bri is me @flower-star-girl…

Random Thoughts!

Random Thoughts!

446 60 28

If I had a way to understand myself and the people around me better I could relieve myself from the stress of the real world and just focus on one thing or person for a while.…



68 26 6

Rylie and Ethan are 15 year old twins and they only have each other. They take care of each other and fight with their fathers enemies almost weekly when they are having meetings and they try to crash them. When Ethan gets hurt and realizes that Rylie could help him, he takes weeks training Rylie to help him and because he misjudged her for her being a girl, and it takes half the time it took him to train himself to train her. After Rylie's first mission with Ethan, they discover that Rylie has magical powers.#eyho2019…