La porte du destin

La porte du destin

1,504 555 24

Remarque : Ceci est un ouvrage ancien. Je suis désolée d'avance s'il présente certaines incohérences que je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de corriger."Des poèmes, des pensées.Des histoires insensées. Couverture réalisée par les soins de @Merrinnelle…

Read my words

Read my words

1,768 866 36

Note : This is an old work of mine that may contain many mistakes and unstructured phrases. Please do not mind.Read my words and you will read my thoughts. Find the beauty at every corner. See the truth at every wrongs. Perceive the answer and stay strong. I hope you would like my poems. They are just feelings, simple visitors who come and go through my writings."Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought, and the thought has found words. it's the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. It's a political act because it involves telling the truth. It's language at its most distilled and most powerful".…