-Sequel to Smile-The devastation of hurricane Jordan has left Delilah Smith in a tailspin. Her sister, Daiha, is in a coma, and doctors aren't sure if she's even going to wake up. When her parents aren't working they're spending all of their time at the hospital with Daiha. Their house has been wrecked in the storm, so they've been living in a tiny apartment until repairs can be made- if that'll even happen. And Delilah believes it's all her fault. On top of it all, Presley, her ex, and all her ex friends won't leave her alone. As everything falls apart around her, as the panic attacks plague her, will Delilah remember to breathe? And will Daiha ever wake up?Please read with a grain of salt. This was written when I was 16, and needs extreme editing.2017 © ele0411. All Rights Reserved.Poetry # 5 [8 . 09 . 16 ]disclaimer: I do not own any pictures (including the cover art), videos, or lyrics (on cover) used in the story and do not claim them as my own work. credit goes to the rightful owners.…