Levi, known as Rivaille, is working to solve the murders and kidnaps of agents Ral and Jinn. Along side him is Eren, the annoying flirtatious brat, but maybe, just maybe, those little flirts will have an impact on Rivaille.…
Levi, known as Rivaille, is working to solve the murders and kidnaps of agents Ral and Jinn. Along side him is Eren, the annoying flirtatious brat, but maybe, just maybe, those little flirts will have an impact on Rivaille.…
After the Revolutionary War, England's worst fear came true. America hated him, but he couldn't bare to watch him go. What happens when England and America become allies again? Will things go right, or will they be forever wrong? USUK fluffiness and a lot of fangirling! >.< Its a beautiful thing.…
Grell and William have to work over time again. All because Grell doesn't know when flirting becomes to much with a certain butler. What will William do to make sure Grell stays on task?…
In this Eren and Levi are sixteen and seventeen. They attend the same high school and when the health classes between the two grades decided to mix, there was and odd of girls and boys. Thus resulting in Levi and Eren playing "daddy" with the fake baby. Will the two gain something more then the skills of parenting? Lots of fluffiness, and maybe a lemon.…