Home Sakura?

Home Sakura?

183 7 1

After Orochimaru's attacks, Sakura finally is able to leave the village in search of her parents while taking Ino. Finding deep secrets and the shocking truth that, she may not be as alone as she thought she was. Will she find. her parents? Will love blossom? How will everyone in Konoha react at her leave?Warning: fluffSequel to 'No Love Sakura'…

Dont Care Sakura

Dont Care Sakura

993 30 5

Sakura has never looked out for her self focusing more on other people. One day konoha's strongest ninja trick the hokage into believing sakura sold classified information to the akatsuki. Now she's in the run until the akatsuki take her in to teach her to look out for her self.…

No Love Sakura

No Love Sakura

12,976 563 35

In this story sakura has no emotions or feelings. Because of this she didn't make friends and people were afraid of her. She didn't really care at all though. She was the youngest person to become ANBU. People considered her a prodigy. She has no parents. No family. She lives alone. No comfort. No hugs. No goodnight kiss. She's hurt inside. No one can read her. No one tried to help her. She was always left behind. Even when she was put one team seven. They were to afraid. So left behind. She has a goal. To find her parents. And if not. Everyone will feel her pain that she kept inside for so long. Its to much to bare.…