Una Una y Otra Vez (Like La Leyenda Pl2020)

Una Una y Otra Vez (Like La Leyenda Pl2020)

790 55 8

Dicen que el pasado ya es pasado, que ya quedó atrás y está enterrado. Ahora debes de enfocarte en tu presente y en el futuro que está por venir. ¿Pero que pasa cuando tu pasado vuelve por ti?¿Qué pasa cuando amenaza con destruir tu presente y tu futuro?¿Qué harás para defender tu felicidad?…

Like La Leyenda: Luz en la Oscuridad

Like La Leyenda: Luz en la Oscuridad

2,112 255 36

Ella será la luz que él necesitará en su mundo oscuro en el que vive, pero, sobre todo en su corazón.…

El Diario de Ava

El Diario de Ava

129 26 7

Este diario será escrito por Ava, la Reina del Mal. @SeleneMoralesG2005Si el Rey del Mal llega a leerlo, tenlo por seguro que le dará un infarto…

El Banquillo de los Acusados

El Banquillo de los Acusados

84 8 3

Aquí le patearemos el trasero a "Nuestro querido Rey del Mal"- Noten mi sarcasmo.…

Roleplay de Like La Leyenda

Roleplay de Like La Leyenda

269 15 3

Aquí es un roleplay de Like la Leyenda, diviértanse.Sean todos bienvenidos😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁…

Saiyans On Earth!!!!!!! (A Dragon Ball Z and Teen Titans Fanfiction)

Saiyans On Earth!!!!!!! (A Dragon Ball Z and Teen Titans Fanfiction)

258 3 3

It was a normal day for the heroic Teen Titans who were doing their assets in the T tower; their home. Robin; the leader of the team was practicing his martial arts skills, Cyborg; the co-leader was charging his weaponry, Beast boy was feeding Sukie; the baby moth he got from Killer Moth, Starfire was in the rooftop thinking about her evil older sister Blackfire since she still missed her, and finally Raven was in her room meditating. When Robin was practicing; he wasn't even concentrating on what he was doing; since his mind was somewhere else. But luckily he didn't got any injuries; but he was wondering why today he wasn't concentrating on his asset if he sometimes practices almost everyday. Wanting to clear this up, Robin stops what he's doing and leaves the training room with the purpose of finding out what's going on with him.…

Hiding a Love (A Twilight and Thor The Dark World Fanfiction)

Hiding a Love (A Twilight and Thor The Dark World Fanfiction)

167 9 9

This time Jane won't join the Volturi and neither she'll be evil. But she'll still keep her talent of infiltrating pain. This time she'll be Loki's prisoner, since he's interested in her powers and herself as well, but Jane does not love him and she'll disguise herself as Elsa in order to find true love. This fiction is going to contain a little of smut......I'll let you know when that happens.…