Shin Inazuma Eleven
The story continues: After Earth Eleven saved the Earth Goeunji Shuuya was appointed s the chairman of Japan's soccer association but ssoon after he was killed(which everyone thought wastrue but was it?) by someone who swore revenge against Inazuma Japan . after a turn of events Japan's soccer chnaged into what it was before Inazuma Japan won the FFI . And the legend of Inazuma Japan was forgotten . and This is where History repeats itself..... well mostly.Authors Note : Hey ! Endou Asif here , I started this story when I was in High school and soon this story was on Hold because of some reasons but now I am back and this time I will complete this story. I hope you all Enjoy reading this , constructive criticisim is always welcomed here and if you like it don't forget to vote and share with yur friends in the Inazuma Fandom.…