Strangling Waters
i'll say he needs Medicine! "Riding to Hell." Allen "Waller" Palmer. One, with the fear of the ocean, or just any big bodies of water. His, sister; Ruby "Tristan" Palmer. One, as well having a fear of the Unknown. And now, that they are going to the beach for a school day; it sets them both on edge. Many stories were all around the beach they were going, and Allen? He didn't want no part in this. He wanted to run, to the desert.But he couldn't. because, only one of them; or out of the class with be out to tell stories.________________________ "many, died near the ocean. All pillin' up to be 300 bodies. Some say, that it because of what they had saw. Others, blame it on the rats in the near houses; holding a stash of hands."________________________Only one will tell, the story of these students. Only one, will survive! Demons, ghosts, sea monsters, doublegangers, friends, murders. And more.Who are to blame? Look into to the history of two rats, and a alien.Look into the ocean. Live in a another land.…