Rena Blackwell is a Actor, model,And upcoming music star.Some people say it's a dream come true, but Rena thinks its bittersweet, not getting to have any privacy or being able do anything on her own time.But a chance meeting with two of her favorite YouTubers brightens her life,And suddenly being famous is a bit more interesting then it appeared.…
A few poems :3☠ WARNING FOR THE FAINT HEARTED CRINGE WARNING ☠If you are sensitive to: Cccrrriiinnngggeeee suicide, awful lives,gore,bad poems, crappy jokes, depression,physical/mental Abuse,or your a big baby,Then I don't recemend this book.I honestly don't care who sees this anymore, so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.most of these are real life thoughts and feelings,And it's about to get really fucking dark........Here we go.…
you thought it was the end but it was just the beginning...Phoenix is a very powerful mutant from being a blend of max and fang, but the one LIGHT returns they want Phoenix to be the one to help rebuild the world in the schools image.Will she refuse?…
My life had been average up to this point.Average grades,Average activities,Needless to say, I was an every day average nobody, and I was ok with it.But then she had to move into my home Town.She just had to jump into my life. she's literally the worst.…
I remember cryingI remember my eyes blurry with tears, my breaths turning rapid as I felt sharp pain I'm my wrists, then blackness took over my vision.I remember opening my eyes, as if awakening from a distant nightmare.I could see only the brightness of a light, squinting my eyes until they adjusted to the warm glow.then I was suddenly sitting in a room with pearly white walls, that matched the dress I didn't know I had on until a moment after.I felt confused.where was I?how did I get here?and......who am I?I looked down at my white dress, admiring the lace, when I saw a cursive writingit said hello my name is:Griffin. "hmm", I wondered.I said my name out loud several times, as if testing that it felt right."wait, how come I know what everything else is, but I don't know anything about myself?"I pondered out loud,"this is all very strange."suddenly, as if I was getting a telepathic message, a gentle voice spoke in my head."hello Griffin.based on your soul and actions as one of the living,you have been chosen as a Guardian.The guardians protect people who are important to human history,wether past or future,good or bad,we protect what causes the best outcome for the human may notice the strange markings on your arm-,"I looked down,seeing dozens of small black lines on my left arm all of them about a centimeter thick."-those count how many jobs you have left, Everytime you finish a job, a mark disappears.when you are done with your client, you will be sent to your next one almost instantly after you erase their memory. it is mandatory for you to do so,we must not let anyone know, under any circumstances that the guardians exist. you will be sent to your client in precisely three seconds.thank you for your service,and good luck.""wait, wait- I-I don't understa-"suddenly darkness engulfed me once more.…