Meet Taliha, a renowned introverted bookworm with a haunting past and a secret alter ego as an up-and-coming Islamic writer. Her peculiar and unconventional reactions to life's twists and turns have left her questioning her very existence, as the world seems like a treacherous place for her.Will she ever summon the courage to stand up for herself and find acceptance in society's embrace?Little does she know, there is more to her than meets the eye, a hidden depth waiting to be discovered.Enter Arif Soydan, a fearless and brilliant individual who crosses paths with Taliha at their university. Their initial encounter sparks a fierce rivalry, fueled by Taliha's ascent to the top of the class.But now, Arif seeks to forge an unexpected friendship with Taliha, driven by motives unknown.Can he achieve his objective without succumbing to the allure of his rival? And how will Arif react when he uncovers the truth that his nerdy crush next door is actually his academic adversary?Will he embrace her for who she truly is?Embark on a heartwarming journey as we delve into the captivating tale of Taliha and Arif, where friendship and love intertwine amidst the walls of academia and the secrets of the heart.Copyright © 2022…