In a cosmic narrative spanning different dimensions, timelines, and characters, "Intercession" explores the relationship between technology, consciousness, and the destiny of humankind. Earth, in 2043, is a place where AI-driven corporations and governments puppeteer society, with individuals submerged in virtual realities, dictated by a mysterious codelock system. Amidst this, cosmic entities like Jemma, Ahom, and Blorat, crafted with intricate coding suits by a higher-dimensional Leadership, are sent on intertwined missions to influence Earth's trajectory. Through experiences ranging from alchemical teachings in Egypt, to discovering ancient lifeforms on Mars, these entities grapple with their purpose, often subtly influencing events on Earth and Mars. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes evident that they are pivotal in understanding and potentially restoring a balance in an increasingly digitized world, culminating in a celestial convergence that may hold the key to humanity's spiritual and digital liberation.…