Being the Rainbow in Somebody's Cloud

Being the Rainbow in Somebody's Cloud

38 6 1

My 2022 Collection of creative writing inspired by the weekly Weekend Write-in single prompt word. Health issues dictate I must be more selective with my choices this year, but I will continue to do as many as possible. I love them so, and the challenge they present are a huge part of my s[pirit's ongoing strength.…

... She Wrote

... She Wrote

1,214 264 43

My 2021 'flasher' fiction and non-fiction collection of short-shorts written to meet a weekly single prompt word challenge.…

The Drabble Dabbler

The Drabble Dabbler

418 61 15

My 2021 collection of Drabbles (100 word fiction and non-fiction short-short stories) from weekly prompt word inspirations and from my own fertile imagination.PLUS a Drabble with a difference for the famous ODC (Open DrabbleContest)…

The Great Rockpool Rescue

The Great Rockpool Rescue

111 8 1

***21 July 2020 **AWARDED 1ST PLACE in Children's Fiction Contest 2020: 'Diversity' theme A children's story about the need for teamwork to achieve the best possible outcome to a problem, no matter the diversity of our species.This array of colourful and endearing characters will teach this valuable lesson to the 'smalls' in our lives.…



756 186 32

A new dimension has been added to the weekly 'prompt' word challenge - to produce a Drabble - an exactly 100 word 'flasher' using the word as intelligently as possible. This proves quite a task for some of us... but many of us truly enjoy this trumpet call invitation to search our imaginations and lift our pens... AGAIN!But why this strange title, you well may ask? It's dictionary meaning as a noun, is - a number or quantity increased a hundredfold.Hmm... sounds about right for this particular process of bringing meaning to a single word - but absolutely only up to the magical exact 100 words.(**NB: Title not included in word count)…

Playing with Words

Playing with Words

2,116 457 55

The 2020 collection of my weekly 500 word 'flasher' creations.Based from a randomly chosen single prompt word, I attempt to meet the challenge each week.…

Think I Can Fly

Think I Can Fly

2,258 344 55

My 2019 collection of flash fiction and non-fiction stories inspired by a weekly prompt word begins. And who better to feature first than an Aussie achiever extraordinaire?…

Christine's Weekend Write-in Podcasts

Christine's Weekend Write-in Podcasts

80 2 7

A collection of transcripts of podcasts made especially for a group of Wattpad Weekend Write-in authors of weekly flash fiction stories to meet the challenge of a 'prompt' word.We are all familiar with each other's words, but wanted to step it up a notch and hear each other's accents, as we come from all over this wonderful world.**NEWSFLASH!! The website is up and running here - WEEKEND WRITE-IN PODCASTS…

Hobson's Choice - an excerpt

Hobson's Choice - an excerpt

86 2 3

***EVEN HAPPIER NEWS** (8th October 2019) @The_Bookshop have published their Summer Anthology 2019 - - and there I am, 2nd from the bottom of their list.*** HAPPY NEWS** (7th Oct, 2019)Look... my excerpt has been chosen as one of the 'favourites' by The_Bookshop and will appear in their Summer Anthology. SO thrilled... and breathless... and shocked... and, and...Here is an edited Chapter Four, to enter a Wattpad competition by The_Bookshop.The challenge is to write a less than 2000 word story on the issue of Pain - as depicted by five different photo and description prompts.I have chosen Pic. #3 No Pain, No Gain - and submitting this chapter, which is from the point of view of the victim of a terrible farm accident - a teenager, Jake.I have a 'Mature' rating on it due to language that may be offensive to some. The_Bookshop judges will critique this submission and then, when chosen revisions are made, it will be submitted again for judging.Apologies if that's too much information - just clarifying why this story appears twice on my Wattpad profile.…

When Sampson met Delilah

When Sampson met Delilah

89 4 7

A chance meeting on a lake leads two ducks into unexpected enlightenment and life journeys they never suspected were possible.A charming story designed for a middle-school reader, or could equally be shared by an adult reader - a parent, grandparent, sibling, baby sitter or teacher maybe - to entertain and help younger listeners to appreciate the nuances and humour of this delightful family tale.…

The Curse of the Deep Green Blues

The Curse of the Deep Green Blues

86 7 1

***Fantastic News*** AWARDED 2ND PLACE in the following competition - Entry in Wattpad Children's Fiction Contests and Challenges, Challenge 5 the story synopsis?Kaida is well-named, meaning 'little girl dragon'. But dragons are green and can fly and roar fire... Kaida can't, and she's feeling 'blue'. What to do? Maybe her unlikely small friend, Timmy, has the answer.…



56 2 5

The_Bookshop is a contest & book club community of adult writers who give knowledgeable critiques and suggestions on contestants' responses to their challenges. They host prompted writing contests, a short storybook club and the dreaded Bookshop Gauntlet, Wattpad's toughest contest! (I haven't been game enough for this one... yet. Maybe one day I'll pump up enough courage.In the meantime, I enter some of their contests when I have something I wish to share and hopefully improve.I love the challenge. I love the critiques - after I have a small breakdown and accept the several more 'silvers' they've awarded me (uhrr, silver hairs, that is!)I'll start with the latest each time I enter a contest - and bravely allow you to read both BEFORE and AFTER efforts.Might even include a couple of earlier attempts. (MAY...!)…



163 14 4

**NOT a winner of a place in The_Bookplace spring anthology, sadly - but it earned an 'honourable mention' - and I find that not too shabby at all!Now I'll wait upon their offered further comments, before possibly yet another edit, and then see its inclusion in my story, 'The Shadows Deepen' as maybe a final chapter or a longer Epilogue. The focus of this story is on an 'ordinary' family in Occupied Denmark. The resulting immigration after WW2's end is meant to end the story on a sweet note. It goes like this - From the end of life as they had known it came many challenges for the Larsen family. They had already faced the first part of a steep learning journey, but MORE endings in the midst of this new beginning? They hadn't expected that.…

Bizarre wee Beasties

Bizarre wee Beasties

450 12 3

Hallo again,I withdrew this story from Wattpad when I entered an anthology outside of this writing platform. It is published there now, with all proceeds going to charity - but copyright remains with me, so I am 'publishing' excerpts here on Wattpad, with the full story free to read on my own website as I develop it.The site is called - ceedee4kids - and the link is - reminder of the storyies' content, perhaps? Teenage Sarah rediscovers her Granny's unpublished books for children as she seeks additional bedtime stories for her small brother, Jonjon. They both love Sarah recreating the voices for different characters just as they were written - and depicted - capturing hearts and the enjoyment of both listener and reader, alike. It's all so appealing, the children's parents are also drawn back in to the fantasy world of Granny (Christine Larsen) - sometimes sharing parts of the reading aloud to a grateful audience.As it becomes apparent Granny never finished the endearing tales of all her knitted family, Sarah finds a desire growing within to be the one to tell the remaining stories. But can she? Will hidden skills emerge to enable her to do justice to her beloved Granny's words? Or will Sarah find an unexpected muse guiding her pen?Hope you will check out this collection and see if you agree with the recommended reading age of 0-90 years.…

The Vocal Local

The Vocal Local

96 0 19

I have begun reading excerpts from my stories on our local radio station, 5THE FM 107.7, and whilst they are entertaining folk who are listening to the radio at those particular times, I have had a request from others to provide transcripts of my readings. I have been offered more air space in the days to come and will add transcripts of those recordings as they happen. It's a little experimental yet, but here we go!…

The Short and the Tall of it all.

The Short and the Tall of it all.

80 12 1

**THIRD PLACE WINNER**Summer enjoys daydreaming on a sunny afternoon in the apple orchard, and especially loves sharing her imaginings with her Grandfather - her 'Pappy'. Her magical glow surrounds his senses until the magic happens and he sees a new sky through her wondering eyes.My entry in the Wattpad Children's Fiction @childrensfiction and @adultfiction writing challenge - resulted in it being the Third Place winner!…

A Meme-oir Anthology

A Meme-oir Anthology

1,531 10 57

A collection of memes, tales and quotes I have collected in the last couple of years. Older ones have come from my 'A Miscellany of Meme-oirs' and 'Seeking Serendipity', now being combined and added to newly created works in this 'A Meme-oire Anthology'.Hope you find it interesting to watch it developing.…

Shhh! Scribbler at Work

Shhh! Scribbler at Work

3,221 374 54

In 2018, here's another collection of flash fiction (and non-fiction) tales written for the purpose-designed 'Weekend Writein prompts', challenging writers to produce around 500 word stories each time we choose to join the party.…

Hobson's Choice

Hobson's Choice

199 17 7

Sometimes Life starts handing us choices we are none too ready to make... and some choices should never have to be made at all. Here's a story originally written for a 500 word flash-fiction from a prompt that has taken on a life of its own, and now actually DEMANDS its own presentation in a length of its OWN choosing. Seems I have Hobson's choice in the matter! Warning: Profanity from 'Chapter Four: But Why Me?' Jake insisted his thoughts were his own... I'm just the scribe -what could I say?…

Shadows of Yesterday

Shadows of Yesterday

1,232 28 11

There have been countless heroes in wars throughout history. These are the stories of some ordinary Europeans who found extraordinary courage to survive WWII.…