Lexi Callaghan is broken. From a traumatic childhood that still haunts her, to her slowly deteriorating mental health, things are pretty bleak. The only source of light in her otherwise dark universe is her best friend and soulmate, Jasper Reynolds, who is constantly striving to make her smile and see her self-worth. The problem is that Jasper is moving to a different continent at the end of August, leaving Lexi on her own to fend for herself in a world where everything feels like it's collapsing inward.▶▷▶A long, honest one month journey about friendship and finding solace from your inner demons. There are fun, lighthearted moments; there are emotional, heartbreaking moments; and there are moments in-between. Just like how real life works. ◀◁◀❝As I stare up at the creaky old Ferris wheel cycling around and around, I think about how everything that spins does so on an axis. And really, I guess that's the best way to describe what Jasper is for me: he's the axis that keeps me from spiraling out of control. But what'll happen when August runs out of days and I lose the only person who keeps me rotating in this life that I've been given?❞…