'~Hidden in the dark ○ Listening to your footsteps '~
Eres un alumno(@) que entro a la nueva escuela "Fundamental paper Escohol" fuiste recibido/a por tus compañeros de clases, lograste conocer a las maestras y maestro, entre ellos que te daba curiosidad han sido Miss. Bloomie y Miss. Circle aunque Miss. Thavel no mucho, pero... ¿No sabías los trágicos destinos que tendrían alguno de tus amigos... verdad? O... tal vez seas la siguiente en la lista negra ...🇺🇲 Inglish : You are a student(@) who entered the new school "Fundamental paper Escohol" you were welcomed by your classmates, you managed to meet the teachers, among them who made you curious were Miss. Bloomie and Miss. Circle though Miss. Thavel not much, but... You didn't know the tragic fates that some of your friends would have... right? Or... maybe you're next on the blacklist...…