Spring Formal Romance
The Spring Formal Dance is tonight in Alicante University and everyone is all excited to go tonight and be with their date. Magnus, Clary, and Simon really wanted to go with the Lightwood siblings to the dance, for months they always send them secret love notes to cheer them up whenever they are sad or feel like they are nothing, and they hope that they could be their dates and confess their feelings towards them. But apparently when they ask them, the Lightwood siblings turn them down because they believe that the secret admire notes that Magnus, Clary, and Simon have send them was from their ex's that they broken up and ignore them when they tried to confess their feelings, and they were heartbroken that they decided to not go to the Spring Formal Ball.Apparently Clary's cousin Cheryl, her girlfriend Toni, and friends Ginger, Tina, and Peaches realize what had happen and tried to encourage them to go but they refused and decided to stay home instead of going to the dance. Then at the dance the Lightwood siblings realize their regrets and feel guilty of how they treated Magnus, Clary, and Simon and so they go to their houses and have the time of their lives alone.…