The Razed Ruins Part I: Ill Tides
A North American, post apocalyptic epic fantasy... It is 1,692 years after the "Great Death" nearly wiped humanity from the face of the Earth, and a new civilization has risen from the ashes. A tenuous union of four semi-autonomous kingdoms has reached its Tercentennial, and the realm's nobles are gathering to elect a new Supreme Chancellor. When a surprise victor emerges, the immediate consensus is of a choreographed scandal. The Union threatens to rupture into civil war.The Razed Ruins is a draft, a work-in-progress, strongly in need of your feedback. The epic saga has some of the classic tropes of high fantasy that fans of Game of Thrones, The Wheel of Time or The First Law series will recognize, but twists them in a pleasing and unique direction. The world is recognizably North American, as certain aspects of our modern culture have survived through the apocalypse but evolved into something new. Help me bring this manuscript to its full potential!***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** The Razed Ruins is an attempt at fantasy realism, which means realistic features of such a time period (violence, swearing, sex) are present in the novel. Expect a comparable amount of such content as one finds in popular fantasy epics like A Song of Fire & Ice, The First Law, Prince of Thorns, etc. Should you object to such content, or be too young, it is not recommended that you read this novel. (i.e. I don't want any comments objecting to this content because, I warned you....…