In the land of Faerie in the kingdom of Stormhold, Tristan Thorn shares a close bond with his kind and devoted widowed merchant father, Dustan. Eventually Dunstan marries a noblewoman named Lady Constance of Dracon, and brings her home along with her two sons. A tragic event causes Tristan to be reduced to a servant in his own home. Upon chance, he meets the spirited princess of Stormhold, Princess Cecile who wishes to be free from her gilded cage. Meanwhile Princess Cecile wants to carve her own destiny by finding her true love rather than be confined to an arranged marriage. She soon encounters a mysterious nobleman named Lord Tristan of Spina--whom looks vaguely familiar--yet intrigues her with his passion for those of the lower class and the injustices of the kingdom of Stormhold. Note: This is an adaptation from the film Stardust with a Cinderella theme and some inspirations from Ever After along with other adaptations of the fairytale with some creativity. This is an alternate universe to Neil Gaiman's story of Tristan growing up in Stormhold.…