Dayeon One-Shots
Just Dayeon One-Shots compilation.…
Just Dayeon One-Shots compilation.…
Chorong finds herself falling for Bomi but Bomi is too oblivious to notice.Naeun can't stand how nice Eunji is towards everyone.And Hayoung just hates how Namjoo is always able to stop her from being one step closer to burning down the entire school.Foreword"Stop texting whoever you're texting right now, Yoon Bomi," Chorong snapped in annoyance."Okay.." Bomi replied, not really listening to Chorong as she was too engrossed in her phone. "YAH!" Bomi huffed when Chorong grabbed her phone and placed it in her pocket. "Why did you do that!""Because you weren't even listening," Chorong stated as a matter-of-factly."Alright I'm listening, Miss Pissy Pants," Bomi replied. Upon realising that Chorong was giving her a deathly glare, she let out a nervous chuckle and added, "Ha ha, I was just kidding unnie."-"Wipe that blinding smile off your face Jung Eunji.""I've lost count the number of times you've said that to me, Naeunnie. And hey is that how you address your unnie!"-"OH HAYOUNG."Shit."Stop whatever you're doing right now."Stupid Kim Namjoo, always spoiling my fun.…
Waverly Earp, die beliebteste und meist begehrte Schülerin und Cheerleaderin auf der Purgatory High School, zusammen mit dem dümmsten, aber ebenso begehrtesten Schüler Champ Hardy, Quaterback.Alles lief gut für Waverly bis auf einmal ein neue Schülerin auf die Schule kommt-Nicole Haught.Die beiden werden schnell gute Freunde,aber wird das auch so bleiben?Denn Waverly ist sich nicht mehr ganz sicher was für Gefühle sie für Champ und Nicole empfindet.…