The Rogue Show!
A show by a rogue. 'Nuff said.…
A show by a rogue. 'Nuff said.…
Helol there. My naem is Braydne.*Hello *Name *BraydenAssk thigns I geuss.…
just read the goshdang title…
This book is based off of a book by whooviangirl2345 called Random Stuff You should definitely check that out.…
Well, This i an [S] Collide of two fandoms. That is all.…
(I got this Idea from another rp that whooviangirl2345 made (that didn't end out too well) and changed it so I could add my fandoms to and other things)…
This book is an undertale book.Which means LOTS of puns, BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL, FUN And ASKS or DARES(alsu TEM wil tak uver sumTEMs (OH MY GOD THE PUNS HAVE STARTED AND THE BOOK HASN'T EVEN YET)tank u fur lisensings tu tem)…