Amoungus sus sus🥶🥶🥶

Amoungus sus sus🥶🥶🥶

22 2 1

Hashtag flying buttress is being gay gay all day day…

That gurl

That gurl

17 2 1

I was playing Roblox and she was so hot! I wanted to date her but she leaved the game before I can ask her out.…

Celsius 154🥶🥶
The Flames of Romance

The Flames of Romance

13 2 1

Guy Montag is forced to live in a society where everything is dark and gray but when he meets the love of his life, Clarisse, things start to brighten up. Montagkins knows that it's illegal to be in love with clarisse in a world where books and minors are forbidden but he can't put out the fire of his undying love. "...She's 17 and crazy and when I'm with her... I feel 17 and crazy too..." -guy montag"...He's been acting strange lately... I can't put my finger on it but something's changed..." -Beatty"...he has a different emotion... something that isn't angry or unhappy..." -Mildred montag" uncle always taught me to chase my dreams which is why I followed montag home..." -clarisse McClellan "Montag?" Clarisse asked him one day"What is it sugarcookiehoneybuns?" Montag responded"Are you a car? Because i want you to hit me with your bumper." She smiled slyly.…

I Got Tagged!!

I Got Tagged!!

1,194 89 23

Me getting tagged. Idk how else to describe this.😂😂…

Cool and Badass Squad POTTERHEADS UNITE

Cool and Badass Squad POTTERHEADS UNITE

960 106 14