Outside the Lines (lashton)
5 Seconds of Summer are a few shows away from the end of the Where We Are tour back in 2014. Next, they're going to be selling out concerts, playing in stadiums, and living their dreams even more than they are currently. But just because things are wonderful on the outside, doesn't mean things are scratch-free under the surface.Luke is battling a war against himself, though he would never admit to it. He thinks he's completely fine; he's not doing anything out of the ordinary. He's just improving himself. Cutting out junk food and adding in some exercise isn't harmful. But obsessing over weight, restricting food intake, being afraid to eat? That's a different story...But Luke is handling it. Luke is in control. At least, that what he thinks.Ashton sees Luke's behavior otherwise.or the one where Luke is struggling with an eating disorder, but doesn't believe he has a problem.Lashton // Luke centric…