Sweet Dreams are all Made of Screams

Sweet Dreams are all Made of Screams

47 9 6

Just a normal crazy fanfic. It is pretty cliche in my opinion. Ok I had an idea for a fanfic. This is my first time making one so... yeah.... This is just me trying out some ideas, so don't judge too badly. I do like criticism and stuff so please give me your feed back, but please don't be too mean with it cuz I am very weak sometimes and... ye. Also do keep in mind this is my first fanfic so... I'm sorry!゜:(つд⊂):゜。…

My Diary

My Diary

241 14 51

It's just a diary... chill. So this is just me venting about my problems, my friends' problems, and how I want society to be I guess. Just me venting and talking since I feel bad talking to someone about it. When I say feel bad I mean, I don't like stressing them out, wasting their time and I end up getting bored of hearing the same old feedback everytime. On here I don't get the same feedback each time, it's always something new or it's nothing at all, and I really enjoy that. I'm not taking anyone's time cuz no one is being forced to read it, and if they do then they probably don't know me very well so they won't get too stressed out.…

Why I Can't Sleep At Night

Why I Can't Sleep At Night

85 13 11

I am bored so I'll just write another story. this time on my phone... a little different but that's ok. I'll just tell the story of last night 02/06/2019... first time writing a story on my phone so... no one read this unless you are prepared for really weird weirdness of the weird! 😅…

Crazy and Scary Imagination

Crazy and Scary Imagination

205 14 8

The crazy things I saw, all because of my imagination. Some of them scare me even to this day. All of these events are true things that have happened, but remember they were all my imagination. Totally not real stuff! Don't worry it totally NOT REAL! JUST MY CRAZY IMAGINATION! 😂😂…