Announcement book
You're welcome…
You're welcome…
Star: CREATED BY ME!!!!! Freya: NOT TRUE!!!!Ashlynn: HEY!!!!Star: Ehehehehe...-•-•-Note to Squad: Post and Fangirl as much as u want! XDNote (Again): Peeps can edit this!Note (3rd time!): Beware, it's torture in there. No joke. Note (4th): WHO WROTE THAT?!Note (5th!): Who do you think? Eevee. Duh.…
(Book by Eevee, Kat, and Zane)Eevee: heyo!!Kat: hi! This is a random book for our squad!Zane: it's kinda like a blog. Similar to Harumi's. Harumi: Heyo.Eevee: yep! So here, the squad can just post random stuff! Doesn't matter really. Any member is allowed to post something on here, considering it's the ENTIRE squad's random blog. Kat: so anywayyyyyyyyy.... Guess we should get on with it?Zane: precisely. Eevee, Kat, and Zane: ciao!(Note; if book is not wanted, can be deleted. As long as three, or more, members disapprove.)-Eevee, Kat, & Zane(and apparently Rumi)…