healing and recovering
my last resort for when im alone and things are feeling horriblewhen ptsd, anxiety, and depression are really kicking assill come here and write everything good in my lifei hope i can make you all feel better as well as i tell the story of;my lovemy lifemy familyand how i've grown as i get away from my troubles and pain and how i fell in love. i will tell everything but not in order ill just write and write untill i can't write anymore. once i've told my entire story ill use this as draft for the autobiography me and my husband have been putting off for years. this adventure with everyone has been amassing and if i can ill add the people who have helped me as well. but for now this is my book/healing and recovering/i hope you all will enjoy my life and please keep the comments free of hate, homophobia will not be tolerated and i will call you out on it.…