282 84 16

So I know everyone has these books, and everyone thinks they're self-centered, but they're not. Well, most people are, I'm not! I'm just bored. XD…

Shout Outs

Shout Outs

280 47 11

Because Rachel said I should, I'm bored, and awesome people need to be acknowledged. :)…

The Cabin

The Cabin

70 12 3

Luke was bored. The summer after junior year and he had NOTHING to do. He'd usually just sit around writing music with Michael Calum and Ashton. But Michael is going to California for all of June. Calum was going to summer school for all of June, also. And finally, Ashton was free. He was a year older, and just graduated. Since both boys were free, Ashton's mom signed them up for this summer camp, in the the woods. Which Luke thought was creepy, and Ashton thought was cool. Coleen was bored. She never was though. Summer had just begun, and she had nothing to do. Either her friends would have school to finish up, vacations to go to, or they were just spending their time at the pool. Coleen didn't have to go to school, and her family weren't going on vacation this summer. On the second to last day of school, Coleen's aunt told her mom to take her to a summer camp and gave her a brochure. All three were excited \ scared. Little did they know. It could be their last summer....…