Earthen Art
an "art book" as they say. i like to art occasionally, so i might post it here. just to let you all know, my art sucks so don't expect a lot.…
an "art book" as they say. i like to art occasionally, so i might post it here. just to let you all know, my art sucks so don't expect a lot.…
Avalon Renegade liked to consider herself the head of her small family. She liked to think that she was the glue that kept them together, kept them pushing forward.Sander Renegade tended to think of himself as more influential than he actually was. He tended to think that whenever he told the Renegades to do something, they did it.Jake Renegade used to think that he could keep up with the rest of the Renegades. He used to think that no matter where they went, he would be able to continue along with them.Red Renegade thought of the world as hers. She thought that she could do anything she wished, with no consequences.Sal Renegade knew he was better than them. He could hear better than them, see better, run faster.It's a miracle they had lasted this long. As different and conflicting as they were, they stuck together. They ran together, slept together, and lived in freedom. They were a mechanical family, with each member as an essential gear, their relationships with each other forming the intricate gears that helped the machine run.However, what would happen if one of those essential gears were to be removed?…