Freak Of Nature
Caution!!!: Don't go on random bike rides in the middle of the night. Why? Well, you could end up breaking through a magical barrier and stumble into a deadly fight between two mythical beasts. Not so bad? Okay, how about one of these beasts chomps into your flesh, placing a curse on you that forces you to leave all your loved ones and family behind. Not tragic enough? Hmm, how about you are constantly hunted and plagued with night terrors and forced to go to a school full of other uptight and moody kids. Pretty crappy right? Well meet Mason Spears, he's the kid that clearly didn't read the warning label. This is his story, the tale on how he became a freak of nature. Join him on his freakish adventure, as he meets a wide variety of weirdos and outsiders. Come and enjoy his despair.…