The Rogue Princess

The Rogue Princess

12,004 613 15

If Daemon Targaryen was born a girl and was betrothed to her brother Viserys.*House Targaryen, in recent years, had been plagued with unruly daughters."I do not know whether to laugh or weep," Princess Rhaenys tossed her hair. "That it is you, Daena Targaryen, who will one day hold the title that I never will,""I had no idea," Daena made her eyes wide and innocent, though her tone was anything but. "That you wanted to lay with my brother so badly, Rhaenys. Is Lord Corlys no longer satisfying you?"*"I'm sorry, Daena," Prince Baelon said. "But you will marry Viserys before the year is out," And so what if, once her father was gone, she immediately ran off to the Dragonpit and mounted Caraxes, screaming at the top of her lungs into the clouds over Blackwater Bay? Her voice was lost in the wind, but the Blood Wyrm let out a great roar, sensing her turmoil, which echoed far and wide. Flocks of seabirds scattered, and fishing boats below cried out in alarm. With a dragon, the world knew her.On a deserted beach somewhere down the coast, Daena curled up against Caraxes' great red shoulder, leaning her face against his warm scales. The beast, who was feared even by the Dragonkeepers for his temper, lowered his snout, nudging her gently, no hint of those fearsome teeth showing."If it's truly so awful, we can run away together," She told him, and herself too, stroking his red scales. "I know you hate the Dragonpit, anyway. I wish they wouldn't chain you up. Who cares if you eat the odd servant?"He made a rumbling noise, and she smiled."At least I will have you," Daena said. "I will always have you,"*The long awaited (and highly requested) fourth part of my Westeros genderbend series.…

You Might Be King Of Half The World, But You Won't Own Me As Well | Darklina

You Might Be King Of Half The World, But You Won't Own Me As Well | Darklina

37,486 1,740 62

Alina Starkova was never an orphan. Discovered by Grisha examiners in the valley of Dva Stolba when she is nine years old, she is taken from her troubled family and grows up in the Little Palace as the Darkling's protege. Alina is forever caught between the expectations of powerful men; the pressure of being a Sun Summoner, Sankta and the Black General's little pet tears her in every direction. Perhaps no surprise, then, that she grows up troubled and rebellious. With a hatred for being controlled, a fierce temper, a knack for seeing through lies, and the power of a god in the palm of her hand, Alina is hardly the pawn, saint or consort everyone seems to want her to be. She does not care; her life is her own, and she won't let anyone change that.(or in other words, I get sick of Alina not making a single meaningful decision for herself. Imagine a Sun Summoner at full strength, politically savvy, yet determined to be a rebel without a cause)*The girl who many knew as Sankta Alina was sprawled out on her bed, dead drunk. She had been dumped there unceremoniously by the oprichniki who had the delightful job of hauling her back from a gambling den in the outer city. Her hair was a birdsnest, fanning out around her head. There was blood on her knuckles and dirt on her face. Her dress was that of a commoner, and none too modest either. The Darkling frowned as he took in the low neckline and rather tight long skirts. Not that he didn't appreciate the shape of her, but he hated the idea that lesser men had been gawping at her all night, not realising who exactly stood before them."Alina," His voice was sharp, causing her eyes to blearily blink open. The sight of him seemed to sober the girl up somewhat, but not nearly enough. She groaned immediately, hand moving to cover her eyes. "Go away,"She was the only one who dared speak to him with such little respect. The Darkling's eyes narrowed.…

Tam Lin - The Folk of the Air

Tam Lin - The Folk of the Air

622 13 1

Jude gets drunk at a revel - Cardan is delighted. Inspired by the song Tam Lin/the Glasgow Reel which is what I imagine them dancing to in this.*"My sweet nemesis," Arms closed around her waist from behind, making her sway with him, a familiar voice murmuring in her ear. "I was considering coming to your rescue, before that dull little creature bored you to death. Alas," She could hear the smirk in his voice. "I realised then that it was only fair you get to experience how I feel when you start droning on about matters of state,""Yes, do tell me how deathly dull I am," She replied, aiming for the usual sarcastic bite to her tone, but it came out embarrassingly slurred.…

I Could Keep You Safe | Leanor Clegane | ASOIAF/GOT Fanfiction

I Could Keep You Safe | Leanor Clegane | ASOIAF/GOT Fanfiction

652 22 1

Sandor Clegane had a sister, two years younger, who was not murdered as a child by Gregor but survived and made it to Casterly Rock. Leanor is surprisingly kind, tactful and utterly dauntless - having spent her childhood in a house of horrors, what else could possibly scare her? Certainly not the spiteful daughter of Lord Tywin...*For as long as she could remember, Leanor knew to stay away from her brother Gregor. He was the shadow over her whole life; the village children ran away when they saw him, as he was known to be free with his fists, a cruel bully they could do nothing against no matter how many complaints their parents made to Ser Willem. Even the dogs wouldn't go anywhere near him, expecting a vicious, unwarranted kick.Whenever Leanor knew she had caught his attention, a dull sense of dread overcame her. Most of the time he would just swing at her, either laughing when she fell and cried out, or cursing if she dodged and quickly ran away (something she got increasingly good at doing). He could scarcely be bothered to ever chase her, she was simply something convenient to lash out at.But she was terrified of her brother, and she knew Sandor was too; he just showed it by being angry and lashing out himself. Not at her, though. Never at her.Where Sandor fought back, Leanor learned to melt into the shadows, to pass unnoticed without attracting any attention. Out of sight, out of mind. And when she couldn't avoid being noticed, she made herself as unobtrusive, polite and mild-mannered as possible, so as not to raise his ire.*A fun what-if that was never meant to be published but ran away with me.Word count - 12,575…

A Lioness Still Has Claws | Female Tywin Lannister | ASOIAF/GOT

A Lioness Still Has Claws | Female Tywin Lannister | ASOIAF/GOT

84,387 3,672 25

Female Tywin Lannister. Top ranking #1 in ASOIAF|"That had better be a jape," The cold words were jarring from the pretty ten year old, and caught the attention of the hall immediately. Silence fell. Tytos opened his mouth, but Tya cut him off. "You've betrothed me - your firstborn child - to the second son of the Lord of the Crossing?"There was a mocking, incredulous note to her voice. "Well Tya, Lord Frey asked very courteously - it would have been most insulting to have refused him,""He asked courteously?" Tya raised an eyebrow. "Is that all it takes now? Should Genna fear being betrothed to the son of that kennel-master knight, if he asks nicely enough?"*"I'm sorry to hear about your mother," Aerys looked rather surprised at her state, hesitating. "I've never seen you cry," He trailed off at the mutinous look on her face."Get out," Her was voice quiet, dangerous."I just - ""Get. Out. Now," A flash of anger crossed his expression."You can't tell me to leave! I'm a prince, I'll stay if I want to," She seized his arm in an iron grip, leading him over to the door. "What are you - how dare you - let me go!"She slammed the door in his face.*"Why did you have to do this, Tya?" Her father moaned. "Return Lord Walderan to his family at once, with our sincerest apologies! Forgiving his all his debts should be the least we do to make amends,"The look Tya gave Lord Tytos was fit to reduce him to a pile of ash."I was planning on returning Tarbeck to his family in three pieces,"*"All the men who are capable don't want the position. All those who want the position are incapable. You might as well make me Hand and have done with it. I'd do a better job than every fool you've appointed so far,"For once, Aerys was silent. So silent, for so long, that Tya raised her eyes from the parchment to see him looking at her in a very odd unblinking way."I'd rather give the position to you than anyone else,"Tya blinked.…

An Honest Woman | Female Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF

An Honest Woman | Female Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF

20,602 457 16

What Jaime Lannister was born a girl and Cersei (Cersen) was born the eldest son? Also, just for fun, Ser Brien of Tarth. Having killed Aerys, Jaime married Stannis after being deemed unsuitable for the king.*Jaime had been allowed near no kind of blade after her display in the Whispering Wood and her hair had grown wild and long. Hanging in unwashed tangles, the mane of curls still glinted gold in the lamplight and made her look like the lion on her house's arms, magnificent even in chains. Her once-fine gown was tattered rags, rotting on her body, her face was pale and wasted, yet the woman still had the nerve to be beautiful. Though that did not disguise the danger.*"There are no women like me. There's only me. What other woman can claim to have killed a king?"*"Kingslayer... And such a king he was!" She lifted her cup mockingly. "To Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name. And to the blade that opened his throat. It was a sword, you know. People like to believe that I stabbed him in the back with a dagger having weaselled my way in his bed," She gave a harsh laugh. "He'd likely have preferred it that way, and called me Joanna all the while,"*"Had it been my choice, I would have been the definition of faithful and never have left my brother's side. But we don't always get a choice. You wouldn't understand, you're an honest woman," Her tone was mocking. "I've learnt that most honest women are just lucky. What would you have done if, say, your dear husband's old friend Robert took advantage of you being drunk and alone? He's the king, and a big man, your blows bounce off his chest like nothing and, should you tell anyone, your husband would behead you himself,""Ned would never - " Catelyn stopped herself but had said too much, as Jaime's smile grew."Ned would never," She said carefully. "I don't doubt it. But Stannis would,"…

The Long Winter | Jaime Lannister X Stark OC | GOT/ASOIAF

The Long Winter | Jaime Lannister X Stark OC | GOT/ASOIAF

34,170 1,417 52

Stark OC x Jaime Lannister | Lannister OC x Robert Baratheon |Rosennis Stark was not like her sister Lyanna. She wasn't bold, nor beautiful and nor wild; more stiff, stony and icy cold. She comes out of the rebellion with scars on her skin, a bastard son with a lion's eyes on her knee, and memories of fire and blood that refuse to leave her. Only to return to the North and find Roose Bolton never broke their betrothal.Giana Lannister was beautiful, fair of face but also of character; her brother joked that she couldn't possibly be a Lannister with her cheery smile and lack of ambition. An ill-advised fling with Robert Baratheon results in Giana birthing a black haired bastard of her own. Dangerous, in a time when Baratheon banners are rising against the might of the Targaryens.The ripples from two more players in the game of thrones are felt throughout Westeros, altering the course of history forever.*Rosennis Stark was a strange girl, Jaime thought. It had been over a month since they rode into King's Landing in the same party, and yet he barely knew her at all.He'd tried to brush her off as dull at first. Her long, sharp face, stiffness and reserved manner did little to disprove that, and she seemed entirely unimpressed by anything and everything she came across, especially him. That in itself was rather entertaining, however; he had amused himself on the journey to King's Landing by finding the best ways to get under her skin.*"Ser," She nodded a greeting, offering no more words. He noticed the girl wore a riding habit; did she mean to ride that monster? Not that Jaime wouldn't - he'd just never met a woman who rode a half-wild warhorse."Lady Rosennis. You're good with horses. Less so with conversation," "I know," Her expression barely changed. She seemed slightly annoyed, slightly amused. "My sister is better," With horses or people? The latter, he supposed.…

Sirius - Black As She's Painted?

Sirius - Black As She's Painted?

15,696 613 21

Female Sirius Black.*Sirius Auriga has always been praised by her family for having strong accidental magic, for being strong-willed and fierce, as daughters of the House of Black should be, unlike other pureblood houses who train their girls to be meek and polite. Her mother still despairs at her disobedience, rebelliousness and inability to make friends with other purebloods her age. Her mother notices that Sirius' eyes don't fill with hate when she sees a muggle... and how they do when her family disowns her favourite cousin for marrying a Mudblood.…

How The Storm Queen Laughed | Female Robert Baratheon | GOT/ASOIAF

How The Storm Queen Laughed | Female Robert Baratheon | GOT/ASOIAF

14,671 570 8

Female Robert Baratheon*Robarra was dauntless, a force of nature, the centre of any room she was in even at sixteen. She had a talent for making friends, despite her hot temper, which flared up fast and fierce but was forgotten just as quickly. She laughed loudly and often, making bawdy jests with the men without flinching, giving just as good as she got.So why was she crying? "I've been a fool," Ned's friend sat down on his bed, seemingly uncaring that she only wore a thin (but mercifully long) nightdress. "I made a stupid mistake and gods, everyone's going to be so angry. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Just a bit of fun,"*As the bedding ceremony kicked off, Ned and Stannis locked eyes as the horde of eager men descended on a laughing Robarra, who was already loudly joining in on their bawdy jests and crude suggestions, and sat back down."She's enjoying herself," Ned said with a shrug. Stannis had grimaced but seemed to agree. No doubt he didn't want to see his sister stripped naked, either. That wasn't the reason Ned hadn't joined them; he didn't particularly want to see his friend delivered to her marriage bed at all.*Ned knew that Robarra wanted him to stay in court after the wedding - she had told him as much - but ultimately there was no place for him here. Ned wasn't a knight, wasn't made for politics and found King's Landing rather suffocating; they were not children anymore, besides, and the Princess of Dragonstone could not be seen going out riding in the Kingswood or drinking in the city with a man who was not her husband.…

Lady of Nightmares | ACOTAR | Rhysand's Sister x Azriel

Lady of Nightmares | ACOTAR | Rhysand's Sister x Azriel

2,980 125 7

If Rhysand's mother Aithusa and younger sister Rhiannon survived the attack by the Spring Court and were at his side along with the Inner Circle for the coming centuries. Also featuring a backstory on the relationship between Rhys' parents, young Rhys, Cassian and Azriel getting up to various shenanigans, as well as some Court of Nightmares fix-it.*He felt it, then. A golden, unbreakable thread forming between him and the wretched Illyrian girl bound to a whipping post. At the sight of the knife heading for her wings, Morcant lost control for the first time in centuries. Lethal darkness erupted, misting the Illyrians restraining the girl into nothing.Stunned, scared, the crowd hastily parted to let the High Lord walk over to the whipping post. The girl looked like a cornered animal; terrified, but she snarled as he drew closer. Morcant grabbed her jaw, tilting her head up to look at him, to get a good look at her. She had Illyrian features, rough-hewn and rugged, rather than the fine, polished beauty of a High Fae, though there was a kind of wild charm about her.The bond snapped in place for her then. Those dark brown eyes widened in shock and a sudden, terrible understanding as they met his own. The murmur of the crowd rose as they began to sense the bond too. Morcant only had eyes for her, however, wretched though she was. She hadn't looked away from him either, swallowing once, before fixing a tight, almost wry smile on her face."Aithusa," She held out a filthy hand for him to shake, spitting a globule of blood over her shoulder and tossing her dark curly hair out of her face.The famously cold High Lord of Night couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter at her nerve. He shook her hand - which, he noted, was trembling despite her boldness - rather than offer the customary courtly kiss on the back of the hand.…

A Book Of Led Zeppelin

A Book Of Led Zeppelin

20,932 877 49

Led Zeppelin.Arguably the greatest band of all time.In my opinion, anyway, hence 'arguably'.They hold the record for the highest number of records sold worldwide (200 million) and also the largest crowd at a concert for a single act (over 56,000). See, I know my facts.But forget that. Forget whatever you've heard about them, forget drugs, groupies, whatever, forget everything except the music. The music is what it was all for. And the music speaks for itself. This book is basically just all I've got to say about them really. Facts, lists, preferences, discussions, pictures, quotes, whatever. If that interests you, then great. Read it.*Highest rating #133 in non-fiction.…

The Wolf Of Casterly Rock | Lyanna Stark X Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF

The Wolf Of Casterly Rock | Lyanna Stark X Jaime Lannister | GOT/ASOIAF

10,277 264 4

Lyanna Stark lives and is married to Jaime Lannister after the rebellion. The rare pairing no one knew they needed.*The solemn, quiet girl he met the day before their wedding did not match up with the stories he'd heard of the she-wolf of Winterfell. His little wife's wild looks seemed somewhat strange when paired with her subdued personality. She spoke clearly but quietly, and though she repeated her courtesies, if a little coldly, she did not smile, nor did those words sound natural from her mouth. She was her brother Ned in every respect, solemn, serious and reserved. And it didn't suit her one bit."Just count yourself lucky I won't put up the same fight for you that I did for him," She tossed her hair slightly, dark curls dancing in the warm candlelight, an old, proud defiance that was clearly familiar to her returning. It suited her better than the dead shell she had been up until this point. Jaime said nothing. He didn't doubt for a moment that this woman had put up a hell of a fight.*Word count: 59,266(only four chapter but they're long!)…