Wattpad Books Presents

Wattpad Books Presents

23,726 345 34

Welcome to Wattpad Books! Here you can find all of the titles that we have published or will be publishing. We'll be adding new titles as we acquire them, so stay tuned! You can purchase Wattpad Books through our website books.wattpad.com or from your favourite retailer. You can also read them here on Wattpad.…

Q&A with Authors from Wattpad Books

Q&A with Authors from Wattpad Books

9,532 461 22

Get to know the authors published by Wattpad Books a little better!…



2,904 70 2

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Introducing: The Wattpad Books Spring/Summer 2020 Novels!

Introducing: The Wattpad Books Spring/Summer 2020 Novels!

9,078 209 5

Spring is in the air, and right around the corner are the new titles from Wattpad Books! You can pre-order them from your favourite bookseller. Here's all you need to know about Wattpad Books' Spring/Summer 2020 list.…

The #OriginalSix Wattpad Books

The #OriginalSix Wattpad Books

12,659 336 6

In Fall 2019, Wattpad Books published its first six books. Here's all you need to know about Wattpad Books' inaugural list!…

Introducing: The Wattpad Books Winter 2020 Novels!

Introducing: The Wattpad Books Winter 2020 Novels!

11,407 272 5

Winter is coming... and so is the next round of titles from Wattpad Books! Here's all you need to know about Wattpad Books' Winter 2020 list.…