Nonsensical Sketchings-Artbook #4-2021

Nonsensical Sketchings-Artbook #4-2021

122 28 6

Its a quartet now. Woo!anyways, its art that I do.Enjoy, I guess?Just humor me :3…

The Madness Continues~Artbook #3-2020

The Madness Continues~Artbook #3-2020

975 309 56

There's another one of these? Why? and how?I see the cover hasn't gotten any better.Still cry-ngeee.Ahh-whatever. Hopefully it's longer then the last one. But who knows? Thats the beauty of it.No one has any damn clue.Welcome to the Crazy!~Vossy…

The Insanity Returns!-Artbook #2!-2019!

The Insanity Returns!-Artbook #2!-2019!

2,613 476 53

Huh? Where am I?! Halp!!Alright, calm down. Welcome to my #2nd artbook! The sequel to Crazy Art by Me, which means it'll probably suck, because there's nothing like the original. I honestly don't know how this happened....Anyways, welcome new and returning!-plenty of artists say their art sucks-And I am no different!-Vossy…

Crazy Art by Me-Artbook #1-2018!

Crazy Art by Me-Artbook #1-2018!

5,084 1,295 107

Horrible cover by me! Please don't look at the claws...Anyways, just art I did throughout 2018. Hope you didn't come here expecting to see something amazing.Welcome! :)-Vossy…

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

1,084 178 74

Again. Title explains all.This is basically were I post just odd stuff I find.…

Scatter Brained-A Collection

Scatter Brained-A Collection

123 29 12

Random writings. Rambles and thoughts and feelings. Scrawls from long ago and story pieces of other worlds.Maaaaaaybe fanfictiony type stuff or chapters inspired by other authors work.Just oddness-insanity, to be honest.I hope this is somewhat entertaining.~Vossy…