Between The Walls Of A Shifting Empire

Between The Walls Of A Shifting Empire

36 0 1

A girl hidden in the plain sight. A performer, but not completely. People approach her when they need to get people killed, and she is good with a dagger.A Prince who must save the Kingdom. When Ravenna gets an invitation as a performer at Queen's birthday Ball, she doesn't know a Prince will need her to prevent a war. Because people who have power, abuse it, and they have to be stopped.Beautiful cover by: @pennywithaney…

Sivi dragulj

Sivi dragulj

2,918 154 27

Vivian Karloti, zvana i Viv je druga vlansnica kluba Desire. Ono što se dešava u klubu, ostaje u klubu. Osobe koje liječi u ambulanti, ostaju u ambulanti. Njena dva svijeta se nikada ne mješaju. Ona je dvije osobe, a nijedna ne postoji. Ko je misteriozni gospodin koji učini da se njena dva svijeta spoje?Devon Ward je trgovac zlatom, ali ne uobičajni trgovac. Njegov život se sastoji od Brazila kao najvećeg dragulja njegovog posla, i Amerike kao najveće prodavnice. Život ponekad može biti čudo, posebno ako zatrebate novo srce.…

Wicked games

Wicked games

125 4 5

People don't know for peace. War is constant environment. And memories are constant for me. General Caius deMorthy is gifted with memories, but not his. Every memories his enemy ever made he can bring back and destroy him with it. Whether is good or bad he transforms it into a horror and that's what he is good at. But being Questioner for a Council is dangerous and deadly job. When he is assignment to investigate a new attack he not only finds memories but the one worth creating his own. Dove is suddenly awake in the middle of her town everyone she ever loved is dead and with a message on her hand. This is just a begging. Who wrote that and what is she doing with scars on her hands is just mystery after another. In the world where people don't know for peace one dove will try to find it.Amazing cover made by: @onederstruck…

Blood Ashes

Blood Ashes

240 6 11

"How to be free when the sky is a horror?" ****Imrie knows she is not someone with bright future. She is unpure one. Her destiny is to stay in the city and work as a tailor. Uriah is one with a bright future. He is the pure one. Son of the Kassain Humphries. The next Warrior. When the world is divided between the perfect race and the second one no one knows what happens with the third one. What happens to power? Magic? And that cannot be hidden. But it has. Because God was fair with that. Two kinds. Like a balance. But without mercy.All love for the cover @BeauxifPublished: 23. December 2018. 6:15 p.m.…

Lion's Cage

Lion's Cage

4,675 282 55

"As the noble blood runs through your veins you have magic in your system," ***For a very long time Dianna tried to hide her secret. No matter the cost she refused to talk about it, to think about it even to admit she has it. But there is it, crawling under her skin every time people in her town froze she is free. But in the Ignur where power and money are all what matters a girl like a shadow to a Crown Prince is nothing more than an obstacle. Why to risk everything just to know roots of her resistance, when a simple answer is a murder.But sometimes people keep what intrigue them the most. And in this case a Crown Prince keeps his little prisoner hidden from the people she knows. But resistance is not only in blood but in the people too.When Dianna decides to help Prince's enemies she imperils not only her life but the loved ones.Cover: thanks to an amazing @selkkiezThe slow process of editing is here...just "edited" chapters are here.…

Pikova Dama

Pikova Dama

12,369 810 23

"Are you ready to be my Queen of Spades?"Thanks to cover: Lakateya...…

Never say never

Never say never

283,636 8,586 42

Mlada djevojka dospjeva do gospodina Westa gdje je on upoznaje sa potpuno stranim i mracnim svijetom, ali ljubav moze da bude komplikovana.....…