The Sun Guardians of Attalia
- In the faraway land of Attalia, five heroes, five friends existed. Saving Attalia from the Shadow, these so-called Sun Guardians became legends everyone across Attalia knew of. - This brings us to our current time, five hundred years after the passing of the Sun Guardians. Eastern Attalia. 500 ASG. Levi Medowarc, the head guard of Pristin. - He doesn't believe that the Sun Guardians nor the Shadow truly existed, that these were just some fairytales made up by parents to get their children to behave, you know, "Be good or the Sun Guardians are gonna come after you too." or "Be good or you'll become part of the Shadow." Yeah, Levi wouldn't fall for that. But on the other hand was Olivia Lucas, the record keeper and librarian of Pristin. Olivia, believed in the Sun Guardians to the fullest percent. She believed they were real people at one point, and maybe even still are through children, though all she can find is basic information on four of the five. But why would information for just four be available? Who is the fifth Sun Guardian mysteriously named Attalia? And what happens when a strange girl shows up in Pristin, taking the town from safe to in danger?…