𝖪𝗂𝖽𝗇𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖽 : The Warriors Awaken

𝖪𝗂𝖽𝗇𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝖽 : The Warriors Awaken

487 106 12

Ashley lives a normal 17 years old teenager's life.However, a mysterious organization kidnaps her and her neighbor and steer their lives in a new direction. Ashley and Matt must solve their problems as a team. As her companion slowly discovers the real her, she starts to realize that she will never be the same. Will they succeed in finding the truth ?-----------------The warrior inside of her is waking up. And when it does.....-----------------As I slowly wake up from my slumber, I can hear a soft breathing beside me."Ashley ?", a deep, familiar voice says.I then hear a grunt. My heart beat increases as I remember that he was shot.I slowly open my eyes. At first, I can barely open them because of the slight burning sensation remaining in my irises. Then, after blinking my eyes multiple times, I open my eyes. I quickly look around, shocked. The room I am in is dark, with one light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Big boxes are stacked all the way up to the ceiling. The floor is cold and made only of concrete. I shiver.There is a blood stain on the white floor at my side.My hands are painfully tied in my back to a box behind me. I try to pull, but it's so tight it hurts. I turn around slightly to face Matt. He looks at me with worried eyes.---------------------------------------------------------------------An adventure where love, family, enemies, betrayal, and hurt mix into a mysteriously dangerous journey to find the truth.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDExists in French also. / Existe en Français aussi.Special thanks to @wallsina07 for the pictures of the characters ♡"Pretty good book. (:"@Wolfzero1"I like strong FL and especially when they are fighting back. Can't wait to see how's she's gonna grow into.""Way to keep one reading xD"" (...) you know how to keep your readers intrigued :)"@lethal_bullets"very beautiful story ❤❤😍😍"@Diya_mini…

Short Stories

Short Stories

105 21 5

Where I just write short, random stories to practise my writing skills.______________________________________________________You're welcome to read if you wish :)And advise is welcome too!_____________________________________________________I will try different genres :- romance- fantasy- adventure- horror_____________________________________________________All these short stories belong to me! All the characters and stories come from my imagination. All resemblance to other books or characters is purely coincidental!…

Chagrin d'amour

Chagrin d'amour

48 4 1

Le plus gros chagrin d'amour c'est de savoir que le seul à pouvoir te réconforter c'est celui qui t'as fait pleurer.~Pour vous tous qui avez un chargin d'amour :) courage!~Tu pourrais me briser le cœur en deuxMais quand il guérit, il bat pour toi~Tu es coincé dans ma tête et je ne peux pas t'en sortirSi je pouvais tout refaireJe sais que je reviendrais vers toi~Je réfléchis trop à chaque mot et je déteste çaParce que ce n'est pas moi~Tu as une emprise sur moiTu ne connais même pas ton pouvoirJe me tiens à cent piedsMais je tombe quand je suis près de toi~Tu me montres une porte ouvertePuis tu me la claquesje n'en peux plus~Vas-y doucement avec mon cœurMême si tu ne veux pas me faire du malTu continues à me déchirerSil te plaît, ai-pitié de mon cœur~Back to you - Selena GomezMercy - Shawn Mendes…

Kidnappée : Les Guerriers s'éveillent (VF)

Kidnappée : Les Guerriers s'éveillent (VF)

86 15 8

Ashley mène une vie normale d'adolescente de 17 ans. Matt aussi.Cependant, une mystérieuse organisation les kidnappe et oriente leur vie dans une nouvelle direction. Ashley et Matt doivent résoudre leurs problèmes en équipe. Alors que son béguin découvre petit à petit la vraie elle, elle commence à réaliser qu'elle ne sera plus jamais la même. Réussiront-ils à découvrir la vérité ?-------------------------------------------------- -------------------La guerrière en elle s'éveille, et quand ça arrivera....---------------------------------------------------------------------Alors que je me réveille lentement de mon sommeil, j'entends une respiration légère à côté de moi.« Ashley ? » dit une voix grave et masculine. J'entends alors un grognement. Oh non ! Est-il blessé ? Mon rythme cardiaque s'accélère lorsque je me souviens qu'ils lui ont tiré dessus.J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Au début, je peux à peine les ouvrir à cause de la légère sensation de brûlure qui reste dans mes iris puis, après avoir cligné plusieurs fois des yeux, j'ouvre les yeux complétement. Je regarde rapidement autour de moi, choquée.La pièce dans laquelle je me trouve est sombre, avec une ampoule suspendue au plafond au milieu de la pièce. De grandes boîtes sont empilées jusqu'au plafond. Le sol est froid et fait uniquement de béton. Je frissonne.Il y a une tache de sang sur le sol blanc à mes côtés.Mes mains sont douloureusement attachées dans mon dos à une boîte derrière moi. J'essaie de tirer mais c'est tellement serré que ça fait mal. Je me retourne légèrement pour faire face à Matt. Il me regarde avec des yeux inquiets.----------------------------------------------------Une aventure où l'amour, la famille, les enemis, la trahison et la douleur se mélangent pour former une misson mystèrieusement dangereuse pour trouver la vérité.Dédié à @hakuytv une amie très chère à mon coeur ❤Traduit de l'angla…

Storm and the dinosaurs

Storm and the dinosaurs

128 33 4

Two hundred years ago : dinosaurs were cloned. The only way to survive was to take refuge underground, leaving the surface to these dangerous reptiles...________________________________Seven years ago: Storm's parents are put to death for treason in the underground complex sheltering a human civilization, leaving behind their seven-year-old daughter, Storm. But she believes her parents are innocent.________________________________Today : Storm has had enough. Enough of how people treat her with disgust : 'the traitors' daughter' or how people pity her like the orphan she is. So she decides to leave. But the only way out of the bunker is The Surface.________________________________Now: Despite the prohibitions, Storm, accompanied by her best friend Kyle, fled the bunker to leave her miserable life for a new, free life. Slight problem: no one can survive outside.As she ventures into this lost world, where dinosaurs reign supreme, she discovers that the outside is even more dangerous than she has ever imagined and reveals many surprises...3rd Place in the Mini Reverie Awards for Best First Chapter#27 Post-apocalyptic#124 dinosaurs#10 t-rex#9 carnivore…

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 vs 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 (VF)

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 vs 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂 (VF)

36 8 4

Je pouvais sentir la sueur froide sur mes mains alors que je retirais le pieu de son corps."Huh, c'est bien fait pour toi, espèce de suceur de sang."Je suis une chasseuse. Je traque et tue des vampires, des loups-garous, des magiciens et des elfes maléfiques dans un monde envahi par ces horribles créatures. Je les déteste, par pure haine."Ils tuent des humains innocents. Ils ne méritent pas de vivre", j'essaie de me convaincre après en avoir massacré un sans pitié. Cela fait un moment que je chasse, et je suis célèbre, les gens me craignent.Je suis connue sous le nom de « Hunter », mais personne ne sait vraiment qui je suis. Ils ne savent pas que je m'appelle Camilla Williams. Ils pensent que je m'appelle Stacey Clark, mais encore une fois, ils ne peuvent pas la relier à Hunter.Je suppose que c'est pour ça que je suis en vie. Le roi loup-garou Alpha -Blake Dasher- me traque depuis des années... et il ne m'a toujours pas trouvé ! Parce que je suis une assassin entraîné.J'essuie le sang du pieu et le mets rapidement dans la poche de mon sweat à capuche. Je dois agir vite avant que ses amis vampires ne viennent le chercher et trouvent, eh bien... le cadavre et, plus important encore, moi. Je prépare ce meurtre depuis si longtemps que ce serait dommage de tout gâcher.Je ne veux pas rester dans cette ruelle sombre et sans vie. C'est effrayant ici. Je frissonne.........................Bienvenue dans un monde post-apocalyptique où les créatures dangereuses règnent en maître. Suivez les traces de Camilla, une puissante chasseuse de vampires jusqu'à ce qu'elle croise la route de son ennemi le plus dangereux, le Roi des loup-garous.Sa soif de vengeance lui enlèvera-t-elle le reste de son humanité et sa capacité à aimer ? Ou sera-t-elle détruite pour avoir essayé de sauver l'humanité ?EN COURS3# post-apocaliptique…

𝔸 𝕍𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

𝔸 𝕍𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝔸𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟

50 18 3

"You can't win a vampire's affection. You can't earn it. You can only treasure it."When Amy takes a quiz for her best friend's birthday and ends up sending her application to a magic school in an other universe, her world collides with the King of the Vampires, a cold ruthless vampire. When she finds out she is his mate and will become the Queen of the Vampires after their wedding, she can't believe it.Throw in a hot Alpha, an over-protective Ice Phoenix, a dangerous magic-wielder, DIY enchanting love potions, a forgotten heritage, a hidden power and an outlaw vampire... and you've got quite a magical mess!She will have to count on Hunter, her Protector, to help her navigate a world were strength and magic rule supreme.**********************************Book cover by Shireen_Padha3rd place for Best Title in the Rose-Gold Community Awards 2023-2024…

Face reveal

Face reveal

185 10 4

I'm warning you.Don't look.You have been warned.XDI'm gonna have to kill you if you do lol1# justme…

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 vs 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂

𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 vs 𝑨𝒍𝒑𝒉𝒂

100 39 6

I could feel the cold sweat on my hands as I removed the stake from it's body."Huh, serves you right, you blood-sucker."I'm a Hunter. I track and kill vampires, werewolves, magic wielders, and evil elves in a world taken over by these horrible creatures. I hate, no loathe, them."They kill innocent humans. They don't deserve to live" I try to convince myself after mercilessly slaughtering one. It's been a while since I've started hunting, and I'm famous, people fear me.I'm known as "the Hunter", but nobody really knows who I am. They don't know my name is Camilla Williams. They think my name is Stacey Clark, but again, they can't link her to the Hunter.I guess that's why I'm alive. The Alpha Werewolf King -Blake Dasher- has been tracking me for years... and he still hasn't found me! Because I'm a trained murderer. Also, there are some rumors, that I don't have a sent...so maybe that's why he can't track me because werewolves are nothing without their incredible smelling abilities.I wipe the blood off the stake and quickly stuff it in my hoodie's pocket. I've got to move fast before his vampire friends come looking for him and instead find, well...the corpse and, more importantly, me. I've been planning this murder for so long it would be a pity to mess it all up.I don't want to stay in this dark, lifeless alley. It's creepy here. I shudder..........................Welcome to a post-apocalyptic world where dangerous creatures rule supreme. Follow the traces of Camila, a strong Vampire Hunter until she crosses paths with her most dangerous enemy yet, the Werewolf King.Will her thirst for vengeance take away the rest of her humanity and her ability to love ? Or will she be destroyed for saving humanity ?ONGOING…

Best Wattpad Books

Best Wattpad Books

466 31 18

List of the best books I have read on Wattpad.---------------------------------------------------------Constantly editing.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤I am not paid or anything by the authors. I just want to share with you my favourite books :)❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤#27 in list#4 in best…



14 6 1

Year 2560Women started a revolution against Man Domination so Men left Planet Earth. They took everything. Livestock, books, water, minerals, science.... everything Women needed to survive on Earth. They said to us « If women won't submit, then you will die. »Husbands, sons, brothers, fathers... all gone. Never to be heard of again. Some Women didn't do anything. Some Women regretted it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------A few years later, Women are dying. No more food. No more water. Men took everything. So they sent out Seekers.------------------------------------------------------------------My name is Audrey. It means Noble strength. I am a Seeker, which means I am a highly-trained hybrid female warrior. I was conceived in a laboratory where my genes where altered to create a stronger, cleverer Woman. I was trained to fight and react properly in dangerous situations until I was 15 years-old. It has been 4 years since I was sent into space to look for Men. My mission is to bring them back, and I will.------------------------------------------------------------------Blade is a 19 years-old Man. He watches the stars everyday from Planet Baade36, thinking what would life be with Women ? These horrible, controlling, ungrateful creatures. What would it be like to still live with them ?--------------------------------------------------------------------What happens if you try to mix fire and ice ? Love and hate ? Revenge and duty ? Law and conscience ? Forbidden love, unforgiving hate, inflexible duty and dangerous affection....COPYRIGHTALL RIGHTS RESERVEDONGOING…

Hyacinths of Versailles

Hyacinths of Versailles

13 4 1

- 1646 - Anne-Marie de Valluy is a poor noble's eldest 18 years-old daughter. One morning, she receives a letter from the King's Palace, Versailles, inviting her to come and serve the Sun King.An adventure filled with sparkling dresses, sumptuous rooms, royal visits, wonderful balls and also dangerous alleys, languishing winks, night escapades and an unexpected lover....COPYRIGHT ©All Rights ReservedThis book is published only on Wattpad, if you see it somewhere else, it has been stolen. In this case, please report to me.ONGOING…

Warrior Cats Fanfic

Warrior Cats Fanfic

10 3 1

My first fanfic :)I love Warrior Cats. Best book ever !!! Thank you Erin Hunter for these amazing adventures XDMy own imagination runs wild in these beautiful forests....****************************************************************A book where I create my own cat (who's like me) :Name: SnowstormNickname: Whitty, Snowy, Stormy Height: About as tall as SandstormAge: 16 moons old (a young warrior)Gender: Female/she-catSexuality: Heterosexual/StraightPronouns: She/herClan: ThunderClanRank: WarriorFamily: Mother=Kittypet, Father=unknown, Siblings=unknownFriends: Sandstorm, GraystripeAppearance: White soft fur with a black spot at the end of her tail and lagoon blue eyes. Long legs and soft, kitten paws.Personality: Fiery, energetic, fighter but still kind and wise. Has a great sense of humour but can be impatient and reckless sometimes.Likes: Training, taking care of kittens, fighting and hunting with Sandstorm and climbing treesDislikes: Arrogant male cats, disobedient kittens, bossy leaders and old, grumpy cats.Theme Song: Girlfriend you gotta learn to fight - Phil Lees & Paul Flint*************************************************************** If you want to follow her on her adventures, read this book !PleaseVOTECOMMENTandSHARETHESE CHARACTERS AND WORLD DO NOT BELONG TO ME (EXCEPT SNOWSTORM), THE RIGHFUL OWNER IS ERIN HUNTER.…



11 4 1

"I rebel ; therefore I exist."Alvara (meaning : elf warrior) is a princess elf. Daughter of the Most-High Horrith, King of the Elves of the Magical Kingdom of Vesstan, Slayer of the Beast.But what happens if you don't want to be a princess ? Stuck in an immense palace ? Served by slaves ? Feared by civils ? Forced to marry a Warrior Elf you don't even like ?Rebel !!!Alvara hates her life. She has everything anyone can wish for. Or does she ?*****************************************************************What happens if you add love, forgiveness, danger and a sprinkle of magic to rebellion ?I think that's a dangerous cocktail :)…